I unlocked the DS E-Tense! Ft. My review of #asphalt9

Personally, I think it’s the best (and hardest) one yet. The graphics are amazing, the cars are amazing, and they added active aero as well, which is a massive plus! However, the game is a SERIOUS grind. You can’t access certain upgrades unless you star up your cars, which requires blueprints. You also can’t buy complete cars; just blueprints. That’s the biggest downside in my opinion. What do you think of the game?

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⫷Mr N.F.S⫸

Quantity and Quality:

This would have to be the best Asphalt game to date, a really addictive racer!


  • More modern day cars

  • Easier to earn credits/tokens and cars

  • Much better, much more laid out career mode with over 1,360 Races

  • Unbelievable Graphics

  • Much Better Soundtrack

  • Online Club System for your friends to join


  • Blueprint System

  • Card Pack system

  • Many cars from Asphalt 8 are not seen in Asphalt 9

  • Always Needs internet/cellular data

  • Even though it can be changed, the new “TouchDrive” control scheme takes away the fun in racing

Overall though, this game has clearly had a lot of requested features from the fans in it, and is generally a good pocket racer!

4.5/5 for me 👍🏻

07/27/2018 - 11:45 |
1 | 0
Advanced Handling Flags

Every Asphalt is a massive grind.

08/01/2018 - 23:12 |
0 | 0