10 Things Petrolheads Hate

I’m sure that almost all of us know what makes us happy as a car guy, but there are some things that can really aggravate us. Here is an incomplete list of things that make us mad.

ONE Bad or slow drivers
Sometimes, we run into elderly people who are going 15 MPH under the speed limit in perfect conditions… on a two lane highway. Other times, there are people who don’t signal when they turn, brake check or slam on their brakes, make jerky movements or disregard other rules of the road. This can make driving frustrating and makes you want to yell “Learn how to drive id1ot!”

TWO Non car guys who know nothing about cars and don’t understand your passion
We know these people. They’re the people that think red Mustangs are Ferrari’s, they complain about your exhaust being too loud, and they hate your car “because it’s ruining the environment.” They oogle over MPG numbers and think you’re an idiot who’s going to kill yourself because you drive a sports car. You ignore them, besides, the only negative thing in your life should be your camber.

THREE Speed limits
There are few things that are as exciting as flooring it in a sports car and watching the tach and speedo rise. The engine sings, you shift gears and you go for it again. However, in almost all of the world, there are speed limits that seem like they’re your strict parents wagging their finger at you. Granted, speed limits overall are a thing to keep the world from killing themselves in cars, but sometimes you ask “Can’t I have a little fun?”

FOUR Electronic driving nannies
Many of us here like to drift, do burnouts and the like. However, some cars have electronic driving nannies that prevent you from doing so. They prevent you from sliding at all and they kill power, making driving less enjoyable. The most frustrating thing is when you can’t turn them off, leaving you with a car that’s dictating how you drive, and who likes that?

FIVE Wrecking your car.
To many of us, cars are like our girlfriends or family. A death in the family can depress you pretty good, and the same thing can happen when your car gets in a wreck. You’re sad and frustrated that you let your pride and joy down, all that time and money spent repairing and modifying it going down the loo. If your car were to be totaled, it could really ruin your day.

SIX Getting in trouble with the police
You’re drifting on a roundabout and you pull out of it, and then you see flashing red and blue lights behind you. Your heart sinks as you slow down and pull over to the side of the road. You dread as the policeman walks closer to your car and brace for impact. It’s a shame that many things us petrolheads do are frowned upon by society, it’s like the world hates us. You didn’t do anything really dangerous, so why must we suffer like this?

SEVEN Restrictive car laws
Whether it’s emissions regulations, or not being able to import an R34 Skyline, these legal roadblocks make your blood boil. It seems the government is out to get us, and they hate us petrolheads and want us dead. If you were in charge, those laws would disappear quicker than the rear tires on a Dodge Charger Hellcat.

EIGHT Riced out cars and their drivers
You can hear the fart can long before you can see it, and then you do. You cringe as you see the car with ugly body kits, cheap fake chrome covers on steel wheels, underbody neons, uselessly big spoilers and appalling paint and graphics; and then you meet the owner. His pants are sagging, he wears a backwards snapback and sunglasses. He’s vaping and talking about how fast his car is, how he swapped his car from FWD to twin turbo, and calling every car except his “ a slow, g@y piece of s*“. These people are a cancer to society who must be removed from society.

NINE Being a poor car guy
It’s a sad reality for many of us car guys that our bank account won’t allow us to many things we want to do. Many cars we want are too expensive, modifications have to be cheap, and sometimes we can only afford to just keep our car running. You just have to make do with what you have, and sometimes it doesn’t seem enough.

TEN Having no car at all (or license)
This is probably the biggest thing petrolheads hate. With no car (or license), you really miss out on the good stuff, such as modding and working on a car, and most of all, driving. You’re jealous when other people just get expensive cars as a gift, and you don’t get anything. All is not lost though, you can get that license or car, it just takes hard work and sticking it out to do so.

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Geraldo Portillo

Great post.

01/21/2016 - 22:26 |
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That poor, poor Neon..

01/21/2016 - 22:27 |
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“help me…”

01/21/2016 - 22:29 |
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Drew 8

Im just mainly mad i cant run the glorious slp lm1 and bassani offroad x on my car without making everybody in a 5mile radius plug their ears and call the cops

01/21/2016 - 22:29 |
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🇮🇩Mk7Golfer 🇦🇺

Great post, Chad!

01/21/2016 - 22:31 |
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01/21/2016 - 22:49 |
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SkylinePowaaah(Miata Squad)

11 those who say it’s “just a car”

01/21/2016 - 22:32 |
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number 10……..is true

01/21/2016 - 22:32 |
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1: The Toyota Prius
2: The Toyota Prius
3: The Toyota Prius
4: The Toyota Prius
5: The Toyota Prius
6: The Toyota Prius
7: The Toyota Prius
8: The Toyota Prius
9: The Toyota Prius
10: The Toyota Prius

In all seriousness, great article! Nice to see more user-generated articles on CT.

01/21/2016 - 22:33 |
26 | 1
Dat Incredible Chadkake

In reply to by Antiprius

I was going to put that in there, but I wanted to keep my list brief

01/21/2016 - 22:50 |
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In my opinion, I don’t hate Prius. You could use it as your daily save more gas then use what you save for your racecar. Might be little atleast it helped. 👍😀

01/21/2016 - 22:51 |
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At FOUR I noticed, that it was the number and not the amount of 2 non-car-guys or 4 electronic nannies

01/21/2016 - 22:35 |
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I saw this evo prelude today

01/21/2016 - 22:42 |
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Fastlane Blocker

I like that 79 Volvo Diesel…It is cool!

01/21/2016 - 22:51 |
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