6 Reasons Why I Wouldn't Daily Drive Supercars

Some people dream of daily driving a supercar, I’m pretty sure I have as well, but taking a step back and looking at the whole picture, maybe it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be. Here is why I wouldn’t daily drive a supercar.

ONE Supercars usually don’t get good gas mileage.
Unless you drive something like a Porsche 918 Spyder, your supercar’s fuel consumption won’t be that good. A Lamborghini Aventador gets 11 MPG city and 18 MPG highway, which is pretty bad. Not to mention the fact that the Huracan isn’t much better on gas either. You could be driving a more fuel efficient car when you’re just driving to work. Less fuel burned on your commute means more money for more cars and more car parts.

TWO The fear of damaging your car.
Imagine you’re driving on the road with a bunch of pr!cks and they seem like they’re going to crash into you any moment, which would you rather drive, a VW Golf GTI, or a LaFerrari? I’m sure most of us would pick the GTI, because getting in a wreck with a GTI wouldn’t be as expensive as wrecking a LaFerrari. Besides, you crash a GTI, no one bats and eye, you crash a LaFerrari, everyone loses their minds. Keep your supercar safe, drive it on the weekends, use your GTI to commute.

You wouldn't want THIS to happen to you, right?

THREE Speed bumps are your enemy.
A majority of supercars hug the ground like two star crossed lovers, while that can mean better road performance, it also means speed bumps are your enemy. You dread going over every speed bump, going diagonal and hoping you don’t scrape. Your day might be less stressful if you didn’t daily drive a car that scrapes so easily, use something higher up bro.

Having to do THIS a whole lot could get really tiresome

FOUR Unnecessary attention.
At first, you’ll love how much attention you’ll get in the streets, people taking pictures of your car, people talking to you about it; you’ll feel like a celebrity. However, after a while, this attention will start to get annoying, “can’t I just have some privacy” Maybe THAT’S why a lot of supercars have dark tints. A lot of attention means people walk in front of you or behind you to get some cool photos of your car and you have to crawl everywhere so you don’t run everyone over. Not to mention people touching, sitting and leaning on your car for pictures. Protect your baby, just leave it at home.

Paparazzi alert!

FIVE 90% of the time, you can’t fully enjoy your car.
Driving a supercar and trying to enjoy it on your commute is like playing video games with electricity that goes in and out a lot. Sure, you can enjoy it for brief moments of excitement, but it’s only for a moment. Then you’re crawling through traffic again, stuck behind someone else. Also, enjoying yourself too much in a supercar could get you a hefty traffic ticket, because they stand out and it’s easy to break the law in them. Meanwhile, on the weekends you can more fully enjoy your supercar out on the open road, without any or many interruptions.

SIX Supercars aren’t very reliable.
KiaGuy had this to say about the reliability of supercars “Most supercars have terrible reliability and tend to break down quite often which leads to VERY costly repairs. The insurance of a daily driven lambo would cost you the car’s value every year. Supercars also have ludicrously expensive and overly frequent servicing. Oh, and they also tend to burst into flames. Living life on the edge, huh?

Sadly, sights like this are common

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#3. Most supercars have a front lift system or can have one installed, so moot point.

#4. If you didn’t want the attention then you would a sleeper.

#5. You don’t need to drive at 10/10ths to fully enjoy driving. I don’t have a supercar but if I drove my car 100% then I’d end up in a lot of trouble, all the time, and I only make do with 286hp.

02/06/2016 - 20:24 |
21 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Okay and how much is a lift system plus install? Not a moot point at all.
Second NO. Stop that kind of attitude. You think I want every person staring into my windows at a red light when I go out? No and I drive a fricken Kia. Just because you have a sweet car doesn’t mean you “want the attention” you know how stupid that sounds?

02/06/2016 - 21:07 |
4 | 16

Hey you forgot that most supercars have terrible reliability and tend to break down quite often, which leads to VERY costly repairs.
Or how the insurance on a daily driven lambo would cost you the cars value every year.
The ludicrously expensive and overly frequent servicing.
People who can’t handle how sick your car is will damage it or ortherwise vandalize it. Super cars really aren’t that great, just nice to look at.

02/06/2016 - 21:05 |
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In reply to by KiaGuy

They are performance cars, and pretty much all performance cars have high maintainance as they are designed for the track.

02/07/2016 - 00:02 |
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1.No Money to own one, right?

02/06/2016 - 21:17 |
2 | 0

Reasons why I don’t daily a supercar:

  1. No money.
  2. No money.
  3. No money.
  4. No money.
  5. No money.
  6. No money.
02/06/2016 - 22:26 |
23 | 0

Prius get high mpg and are supercar (sarcasm)

02/06/2016 - 22:28 |
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Interesting article

02/06/2016 - 22:30 |
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Besides #2 and #4, the NSX was designed to defy all of these. 😆

02/06/2016 - 22:58 |
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Also the nsx doesn’t cost as much so insurance would be cheaper

02/07/2016 - 05:35 |
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RodriguezRacer456 (Aventador SV) (Lambo Squad)

That last one…

02/06/2016 - 23:17 |
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biltema rägger

S60 Polestar. Super car and no one sees you

02/07/2016 - 03:35 |
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Sick! I got an honorable mention! Number 6! Wicked :)

02/07/2016 - 05:02 |
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