This is Beijing, China, before and after a huge ban on cars was lifted.
China recently banned 2.5m of the 5m cars registered to drive on Beijing’s streets (and closed a bunch of factories) for two and a half weeks in order to have clear skies for a parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in World War II.
The top photo was taken just before the parade, the bottom photo was taken the day after…
Read more at CNN.
elctric acrs in the cities seems to be an advantage as they have at least 90% of the infrastructure ready to do it already (just need more of those superchargers and a way to organize the charging points to work as efficently as possible
If we are talking about city cars, superchargers aren’t really a necessity, you drive to work, you go home, then you charge it overnight just like your phone, cars like the Nissan leaf for a lot of normal people would do just fine, what I don’t understand is how long its taking car manufacturers to make more electric cars, because its been a long time and the choices for electric cars are still very limited.
All electric cars do is move the problem.
It’s not going to help.
Seems the weather has changed after the parade (づ_ど)
An interesting post.
This. This, right here, is why the Chinese are furiously Baidu-ing Tesla.
Hahahahahahaha “furiously baidu-ing” :D
propaganda bullshit
Well their cars are extremely inefficient and most of their designs are dated in terms of engine tech. So it doesn’t surprise me.
I’m guessing you’ve never been to Beijing, because it seems like 90% of the cars there are Audis.
I lived in China for almost 5 years, and I’ve never seen Beijing like it did on the day of the parade.
Because they can’t use Photoshop in real life…
Oh man you came to the wrong place to talk about cars pollution.
Are you trying to make me feel bad? Cause your making me feel bad right now.
Plot twist, Toyota ran out of prius batteries that week