Articles by Jake Orr
Ford Owners
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There are some crazy limos out there. Here’s my list of the most extreme limousines:
We all know that trends come and go. There have been countless car mod trends that have become popular over the years, but where did the ideas come from?
General Mechanical Advice
“Compression ratio” is a term thrown around a lot when you’re talking about engine specs, but what does it really mean? For the most part, when people are talking about an engine’s compression ratio, they’re talking about what’s called the static compression ratio , which is much simpler to calculate than the dynamic compression ratio .
Most of us have been in a car pulled over by the police at at least one point in our lives. It’s obviously not the most joyful experience in the world, and the car you’re driving has a definite affect on how much police attention you attract. That being said, which cars are the worst? Having owned a large variety of different types of cars from different eras, here are my experiences:
General Mechanical Advice
Internally versus externally balanced engines: what’s the difference? First, you need to understand what it means to balance an engine. What is actually being balanced is what’s called the “rotating assembly”. This mainly includes the crank, connecting rods, and pistons.
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Ask Car Throttle
A guy walks into a parts store and says “I’d like a gas cap for my Prius.” and the store owner said “Sounds like a fair trade.”
General Mechanical Advice
Offset can be a bit of a confusing number, especially if you’re new to the world of wheels, so here’s a breakdown: Offset is simply the distance from the center of a wheel to the mounting surface of that wheel. Below, you’ll see a zero offset wheel, meaning that the mounting surface is exactly at the centerline of that wheel.
General Mechanical Advice
Tire sizes can be confusing the first time you have to read them, so here’s a quick run-through:

Ask Car Throttle
Not sure how to swtich sides?