Should Porsche Be Held Accountable For The Death Of Paul Walker?
Paul Walker died in a car accident on 30 November 2013. He was the passenger in a Porsche Carrera GT that was being driven at an “unsafe speed for the roadway conditions“ by his racing driver friend Roger Rodas. When Rodas lost control of the car which smashed into a lamp post and a tree, they were travelling at between 80mph and 93mph on Michelin tyres that were thought to be nine years old.
Since Walker and Rodas’ death, tears have been shed and emotional tributes have been paid. But as with some high profile cases in the past, law suits have also been made. And that’s happened no fewer than three times against Porsche at the hands of Rodas’ widow, Walker’s daughter and now, Walker’s father.
Being brutally honest, I’m sick of hearing about yet more legal action that’s being taken against Porsche because the car “didn’t have safety features which might have prevented his death.” If this is grounds to be suing Porsche, then why not go after Michelin, the lamp post and the tree that destroyed the car and took the mens’ lives? Hell, if I ever crash and lose a limb does that mean that I can call up Mazda and tell them that I’ll be suing them because my 20-year-old MX-5 didn’t have proper crumple zones? I don’t think so…
In my eyes, this new lawsuit does nothing but cast a dirty cloud over the tragedy. Poorly maintained cars get fragile, tyres perish, and people drive like idiots every single day. Bearing in mind that all of these factors were present on that fateful day, I don’t think that Porsche should be held accountable for their deaths.
What’s your view on this?
Why Alex I had just accepted his death
Paul and I’m sure Roger as well would have never allowed their families to make money off their deaths, which let’s face it, is exactly what they’re doing. It’s wrong.
It has nothing to do with Porsche in my opinion. It was driver error
Females 12 and under were basically the only ones
The driver was driving way above the speed limit. They drove it to see what was wrong with it, so he did that knowing that something can go wrong. The car is road legal so it is safe for road use. No need to sue Porsche, it was driver error.
Well I dont see rear engine cars bursting in flames hitting a lamp post, something was wrongm it was not a new car, and it is clear that it had no modern safetey features, for its age. I blame Porsche.
No modern safety features? Last time I checked, the CGT was road legal, so it was as safe as a car needs to be. Not having stability management or traction control doesn’t make it unsafe, necessarily, it just makes it obviously tough to control when you’re going 90mph on nine year old tires. Not Porsche’s fault at all
He died a happy death. Why bother?
Oh content
Definitely not, people die in car crashes all the time but just because it’s someone famous means it wasn’t possibly their fault.