10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Before I start I want to say a couple things:

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Before I start I want to say a couple things:

  1. Sorry to Ian Wright for the title (if he reads this)
  2. Cars here are under 2k euros
  3. I mention cars that you can buy in Europe and some in America, sorry to all Americans reading (probably none)
  4. I will be working my way from the best one to the “worst” one

BMW 7-series

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Not only can you get this beast in a V12 version, but also a V8.
This goes around for 2000 minimum, but you get what you pay for. I mean just look at this big boat, bulletproof…
Not only its styling is stunning but also the power: you get 188bhp with the cheapest model and 300bhp for the most expensive V12 model, but let’s get serious the only way you can get a V12 BMW 750iL is by going to Germany and praying to God that the owner is a petrolhead.
I dont know what else to say, I’m not really a BMW fan, as you all know i kind hate them…

Mercedes-Benz S-Class W140

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Buying this car back in the 90’s was like buying a yacht. I mean look at this thing, it looks like a boat. Again like the BMW, this thing goes for 2k euros minimum, if you find it under 2k it was probably in a bank robbery and the mafia is trying to get rid of the car. Probably the only Merc i actually like… But anyways this also has a V12 version, not sure if it had a V8 version as well, but anyways the cheapest model had 177bhp and ofc the most expensive one and probably the one you will see being driven by celebrities sometimes has 394 bhp. It was designed not to age, the design that will never get old. Thats why i like these older S-classes.

Audi A8

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

I always thought that the A8 is a Audi 80, they do look very similar (in fact the A8 looks like a stretched 80). There is one near me and i hear it every morning roaring when it leaves its driveway. This thing has no chill.
Models for rich people had V8 engines, but all other had V6 engines. In countries like Germany and Austria they are cheap as i can see, but on Balkan its a whole different story… Models go from 2k to 10k and most of them are 2.5… I really dont understand the logic… Germany is not far away, i can import one. No wonder this country is falling apart every second…
Anyways as i said it had V8 engines some making 224, 230, 260 and 300bhp… and V6 models 150, 174, 180 and 193bhp…
There is one little problem…
Its FWD.

BMW 5-series

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Really not much to say about this thing… Its like others on the list but cheaper. Like a 7-series but cheaper if i can say that. Anyways V8 engine in the M5 and it has a Touring version too, i whould honestly go for the touring one because its better looking and its a vagon… Get yourself a 5-series and you can expect a car with 100-/+ bhp. Only if you are like Alex and buy a lemon because you work at CT and you have to have a BMW…
Anyways, the cheapest one will hopefully have 113bhp and the most powerful and probobly the most expensive one will have 218bhp… and the M5 model 340bhp…

Audi A6

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

My uncle has one of these… You can award this car as “Best first car for a guy that wants to get a expensive new Audi but he cant, also he likes golddiggers”. Audi is like a cheap BMW but a more expensive Opel (yes, i just said that). What you get for a pricetag of 2k euros is a FWD sedan that is a demo version of the A8, altough the A8 is based on the 80 and the A6 on the 100 (which was bigger and better at the time), somehow Audi thought its was a good idea to buff the 80 and make the 100 look like crap.
(Im not sure if any of that is correct what i said there)
For those hard earned 2k euros you get a 90bhp car and if you are lucky you can get a 115bhp model… If you have a bit extra money, get yourself a Quattro A6, so that you have a luxurious car that is not EWD (Embarrassing wheel drive).

Opel Senator B

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Now that all those people who like German expensive cars left, we can now talk about real luxurious cars. Opel Senator is a bargain of the century… How? Not is this thing like 1000 times better than a Opel Omega but its full of LCD monitors and even had a CD model… Let me show you what im talking about:

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

How is this not cool? Look at this thing, if i deleted the Opel badge you whould think its a American car that whould cost you too much… Finding this car is a bit harder (at least in the Balkan) but as i can see in Germany and Austria these things are a bit easier to find. Sold under the name Vauxhall Royale in UK and Vauxhall Royale Coupe (Opel Monza) these things are probobly the hardest to find, but once you find one you will not regret the decision you bought one. Why? 0 RUST. No, really no rust whatsoever…
Well all models are going to cost around the same price but the cheapest one is 90bhp and the one you will pay a little bit more is going to be 204bhp V6 model with Dual Ram (not sure what that even is :D)

Honda/Acura Legend

Not the real picture, but i chouldnt find a good one... If you are wondering, this model will cost you 1k euros.
Not the real picture, but i chouldnt find a good one... If you are…

Accord too familiy-ish for you? Then get a Legend… After you payed 2k euros for your upgraded Accord (yet still the drivetrain is still the same) you get a 90’s car that looks like it was made in early 2000’s… You basicly got yourself a Lexus… No, im dead serious, if you put Lexus badges on this thing i whould legit think its a Lexus… I think Honda made this to compete with the Lexus LS 2000. They even look the same from the back.
Every Legend is equipped with a 3.5 V6 engine that has 205bhp. No other engines, just this one…

Mazda Xedos 6

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

Since i know nothing about this car, and im also kinda lazy to do any kind of research here is a blog that a fellow CTzen made about it

Opel Omega

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

It whouldnt be a LittleFun blog without a Opel Omega in it. I talk waaayy too much about this car and how its great. Its like a demo verison of the Opel Senator. This is RWD unlike those Audis and automaticly makes it 1000 better than any car on this list. This is the only car on this list that i didnt need to do research on because i know so much about. The absolute cheapest Omega (1k euro) will have 101bhp, BUT the ones with V6 can go from 2k to 5k euros so if you have a bit more money to spend get yourself on of these, they dont rust like other Opels and you basicly got a 5-series for like 10 times cheaper…

Renault Safrane

10 Cheap luxurious sedans #blogpost

95% probobly forgot about this but let me show you what it is: its a big boat that is a sleeper and its FWD sadly… If you follow me long enough you will know that i absolutley love the Safrane along with the Renault Laguna, that was untail i found out that Opel Omega and Opel Senator were RWD… Anyways the Safrane 3.0 V6 is rare but somehow common on classifields… There are total of 8 left in UK and idk about other countries. Every safrane will cost you about 2k euros except the Bi-Turbo model that will cost you around 10k euros, but great power.

And thats all, get yourself one of these cars before its too late and they go expensive and collectable. I suggest the S-class for keeping because these things are going to be expensive and Opel Senator because its the most luxurious car on this list, just buy it.
Anyways, thats all for today

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Nice blog, but you forgot to mention that the A8 is offered with quattro.

12/27/2016 - 14:40 |
5 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Right, lemme add that quick

12/27/2016 - 15:16 |
1 | 3

My family has owned 2 omegas and they bouth rust like nothing else.

12/27/2016 - 15:03 |
4 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


12/27/2016 - 15:16 |
1 | 6
Víctor Alcaide

Nice! :D

12/27/2016 - 15:51 |
0 | 0

U can only get very bad w140 for 2000

12/27/2016 - 15:54 |
0 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Its still a S class :D

12/27/2016 - 18:43 |
0 | 1

Im pretty sure the Audi 80 was a predecessor for the A4 and the A8 was based on the V8

12/27/2016 - 18:36 |
5 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Well the design was based on the 80 for the A8

12/27/2016 - 18:43 |
1 | 5

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yea, Audi 80 = Audi A4
Audi 100 = Audi A6
Audi 200 = Audi A8
Correct me if I’m wrong.

12/28/2016 - 11:14 |
4 | 0

Do a cheap rear wheel drive cars with lots of power list

12/27/2016 - 20:57 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Already did a while back

12/27/2016 - 21:37 |
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Mr. Fister

E34 and E38 for me, please

12/27/2016 - 21:11 |
1 | 0

Opel Senator for me

12/27/2016 - 21:37 |
1 | 2
Conor Roberts

One word… automatic

12/27/2016 - 23:39 |
0 | 0

Well here on Balkan Automatic cars are really rare

12/27/2016 - 23:49 |
0 | 1
multiple potatoes

U missed the lexus ls400 and ls430

12/28/2016 - 00:13 |
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This list is for Europe, and those Lexuses here arent cheap

12/28/2016 - 00:17 |
0 | 2

I’m sorry, but this is getting out of hand, one thing is a post in the forums, but an editor’s pick has to be proof read, I’m starting to feel embarassed when I share this on the “interwebs” and my mates make fun of the writing on CT… And I’m writting from Portugal ffs!

12/28/2016 - 00:36 |
22 | 4

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Is grammar a topic on ct? As long as you can understand what im saying its good

12/28/2016 - 00:37 |
4 | 10

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Who cares, we’re here to see cars. But since you want to be technical…

A period should have been used instead of a comma after the word “read” in your very awkwardly long first sentence. Also, you spelled “writing” wrong in your last sentence.

12/28/2016 - 01:41 |
0 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Somebody needed to say this, there needs to be at least a little professionalism or decent writing style in Editor’s Picks

12/28/2016 - 02:53 |
10 | 1

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

wait you spelled “writting” and then changed it after somebody told you that…

12/28/2016 - 17:08 |
0 | 5