12 Funny Car Jokes To Make You Laugh Out Loud

It's mid-week and the weather in the UK leaves much to be desired. Let's brighten today up with epic car jokes!


On my morning travels through the labyrinth that is reddit/cars, I happened upon one submission entitled car jokes. Now the people of Reddit/cars can sometimes be an odd bunch of miserable sods, but I decided to give them and their potentially dull jokes the benefit of the doubt. To my surprise, I found myself almost spitting my coffee over my MacBook. Here are the 12 car jokes that were most popular:

grumpy cat

1. A guy walks into a shop and says: "I'd like a gas cap for my KIA." The owner thinks for a few seconds and replies: "Ok, that seems like a fair trade."

  1. How do you tell when a mid-engined Ferrari is warmed up? It's on fire.

3. What do you call a VW bus at the top of a hill? A miracle. What do you call two VW buses at the top of a hill? A mirage.

  1. So the guy two ranks below me at work bought a used 3-series. Another guy, about one rank below, bought a newer 3-series. So I go into my boss, explain the details, and believe it justifies a raise. "I've worked here twice as long as them, and rank higher. If they're driving BMWs, I should be driving a Genesis!" My employment record now says "dismissed for poor judgement."

5. What's the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

  1. What car does a Proctologist drive? A brown Ford Probe.

7. What's the difference between a grandfather clock and a BMW E36 after an autocross? The grandfather clock doesn't tell you the taillights are broken.

  1. What's the good thing about Fords? They come out of the factory with the problem circled.

9. Did you know CHEVROLET is an acronym? Can Hear Every Valve Rattling On Long Extended Trips

  1. My neighbor is half Chinese and half Mexican, he stole a car but couldn't drive it.

11. What do a 1000hp Supra and a 400hp Supra have in common? They both run a 12sec quarter mile. (Joke about turbo lag, but you already knew that!).

  1. What do you call a newspaper article about a Porsche 911 driver? An obituary.

Got any more jokes to add to the list, guys?

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