50 Cent Reckons He Can Save Top Gear (Yes, Really)

The BBC said pretty early on that it wouldn’t replace departing Chris Evans at Top Gear, killing off the chance of the sort of rampant successor speculation we had after Jeremy Clarkson was forced to leave the show. Despite that, one person has decided to speak out and say that he’s man. And that man is rapper 50 Cent, who these days seems to spend more time trying to decide whether or not he’s broke. In fact, not only does he reckon he’d make a good replacement for Evans, he reckons he could be the show’s ‘saviour’.
Speaking to The Daily Star, 50 Cent - real name Curtis Jackson - said: “I would love to work on Top Gear, I could save that show for sure, but it would cost them.” As far as his qualifications for the job go, that’s simple: “There ain’t a car I haven’t owned over the years, my car collection is as good as anybody’s out there,” Jackson stated.
Expressing concern over the show’s future, Jackson went on to say: “Top Gear was one of the world’s iconic shows and it’s a shame it came to this…The show since the old team left has been unrecognisable and if it don’t get back to where is should be soon then it may never recover.”
Before you start thinking the idea of Fiddy at the helm of the world’s biggest motoring show is an utterly bizarre one, it’s worth pointing out he’s very comfortable behind a camera. And besides, if someone told you a year ago that Matt LeBlanc aka Joey from Friends would be on Top Gear, you’d think they’d gone mad.
However, all this is moot given the BBC’s decision to stick with the remaining presenters going forward. I guess you could say 50 Cent has no chance of being In Da Club…
Eh f*ck it I want him in Top Gear what could possibly go wrong?
Everything would go wrong.
50 Cent to present Top Gear? With the state the pound is in we’d be lucky to get 10 cents…
I would watch that, i find him hilarious
I reckon the BBC should give him a trial run of one episode, just out of sheer curiosity. Either he’s great and they keep him, or he’s terrible and we can crush his ego.
That’s actually a really clever idea
He’s someone I would watch and wouldn’t crush anything, I’m not a Claksonfever lover.
Might be the best comment of the week 😃
.. I GET MONEY .. that will happen to 50 cent if he gets in to Top gear because the have an unlimited budget
Top Gear has limited budget, and much more less that it is for Grand Tour on Amazon.
I can already see the angry fan letters: “Dear Top so-called Gear,”.
What a joke
Roses are red, violets are blue, my blobeye subie goes braaaap sutututu! 11/10 our saviour is here!
Well, at least it isn’t Kanye West. Who, like his wife, will chuck a tanty if they don’t get on the news every two weeks…
That’s true, Kanye is just a joke, not even a funny one at that