7 Things Everyone Who's Just Passed Their Driving Test Can Relate To

You become an unofficial taxi driver

This is especially true if you’re the first in your group of friends to pass their test, but even if you’re not, your newfound freedom means that you want to drive everyone everywhere.
Finding any excuse to drive

When you first pass your test, the novelty of being behind the wheel means you’ll find any excuse to drive. You might be a bit low on milk, or perhaps you need to do some recycling and fancy driving to the bottle bank on the other side of town. Whatever needs doing, you’ll find a way to do it by car.
Always offering to be designated driver

While your mates are all spending their part-time wages and student loans on cheap booze, you’re staying completely sober. They can’t understand why, but you know there’s one very good reason not to drink, and it’s parked outside. Plus, you have the added bonus of being able to drive home in the early hours when the roads are deserted.
Serious fear the first time you're unsupervised

You try to play it cool, but up until now you’ve always had someone to oversee your driving. What if something happens and you panic? What if you get to a junction and don’t know what to do? No matter how excited you might be to finally drive without a parent or instructor beside you, everyone experiences those first drive butterflies!
Pumping tunes for the first time

Chances are, unless you have seriously cool parents, they didn’t let you blast music while they taught you to drive. Once the fear of driving alone is gone, there’s nothing more satisfying than turning the music up and cruising about.
Learning the wonders of a handbrake turn

So you’ve learned the basics of car control in order to pass your test, but without a responsible adult to keep an eye on you, it’s time to learn the fun stuff. A handbrake turn is a great way to start teaching yourself how to handle a car that’s sliding, and it’s awesome fun.
Mocking people who use public transport

Now you’ve got a car, the world is your oyster! No more waiting to get the bus or train, you can now go where you want, when you want, and you’d like the whole world to know it!
Spot on, especially with the the Taxi Driver.
The inbetweeners was such a good show
The feeling some of us had when we got our first license. Makes you feel like a king!
‘our first license’
Somebody’s had a driving ban then
Once I got my license I just drove for hours and hours every day for a week. Burned through 2 tanks in 3 days XD
I don’t have much money, but when I got my first car, I drove over 1000kilometres in 7 days with 4 different cars (designated driver far from my home). I really enjoyed it.
Parent let me blast music. 😀. But it their fault for letting me get a car with a Bose stereo.
Yeah my Infiniti came stock with Bose, 5 normal speakers, 2 tweeters, 2 amps and a sub…I love it
You can’t beat Bose when it comes to factory systems.
My dad’s car came with a Clarion aftermarket head unit
Blasting Black Sabbath all day every day
So true
Admit it: every sane guy, who has just got his license, drives for a few weeks like a
or a few years…
I did, then I started becoming the maniac. And I got pulled over. But they let me go with a warning. So now im like that again haha
every lorry driver ever!!
Admit it… First you learn how to make a handbrake turn, later everything else
that was the case in the beginning.. now I only become a maniac from time to time.. and I have a great excuse.. during the week, traffic is horrible.. I can’t actually drive.. so you can understand why I become a maniac when I have the opportunity to floor it
Well, i just got my drivers licence last month, 7 days later i destroyed my 93 Astra GT… Sad Life
Btw in 7 days i made almost 950km
My dads van. Reversed it into a pay and display sign trying to do J turns in a car park. Apparently you can’t see out the back. Damn that was a bad day!
My car wont do handbrake turns :-(
“ great way to start teaching yourself how to handle a car that’s sliding” Yeah, that’s the stuff.