8 Good Driving Deeds That Will Make You A Better Person

1. Give your fellow petrolhead a wave

Bikers do it, so why can’t we? If you see someone with a similar ride to yours, or a car that could only be owned by an enthusiast, give them a wave. It might just brighten up their day. Or make them feel uncomfortable, but either way, it’s a nice thought.
2. Let someone out of a side turning

Even if you’re in a hurry, you can surely afford to get to your destination just a few seconds later after letting a couple of people out in front of you on busy roads.
EDIT: as a few of your have pointed out, this is a good deed to think about carefully, as letting people out in front when you have right of way can be dangerous, and in many countries is not recommended. However, there are plenty of ways you can be more considerate to your fellow road users that are always safe.
3. Compliment a fellow petrolhead's ride

There’s far too much negativity in the car world, so why not break the cycle with a simple compliment to a fellow petrolhead’s ride, regardless of whether or not it’s in line with your tastes.
4. Offer to help out on a friend's project

Whether you’ve some otherwise missing expertise to bring to the table or if you can just provide a helpful extra pair of hands, you’ll almost certainly have a friend who’ll appreciate a mid-project assist.
5. Give someone roadside assistance

If someone’s stranded at the side of the road, chances are they’ll have some help on the way. However, it’s always worth stopping to see if there’s any assistance you can offer; you might well make someone’s stressful day a whole lot easier.
6. Let someone know they have a rear light out

It’s a simple thing, but so few people seem to actually do this. Without a friendly spot from you, the first time the unfortunate road user might be hearing of their duff light is via a police ticket.
Melts even the coldest heart, no?
Lenny B. Robinson - who sadly passed away earlier this year - caught the world’s attention when it was discovered he spent much of his time dressing up as Batman and driving around to visit sick kids in a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. It demonstrated that if you’re lucky enough to have a particularly nice car, there are all sorts of ways you can use it for good.
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