An Audi R8 Is Apparently The Only Thing That Can Excite An Old Retired Astronaut
If you're old and used to be an astronaut, you'll need an R8 to reinvigorate yourself. At least, that seems to be what Audi is trying to tell us in this curious new Super Bowl advert...
The new Audi R8 is no spaceship, but it is a rather good car. Click here for our verdict.
In reality, it took him 5 min to figure out how to turn it on. He actually never went above 40, and he at one point said “Back in my day, fast cars had real standards. Not these p*ssy paddles behind the wheel”.
Underrated comment😂
Seeing as how he’s an astronaut he’d probably actually appreciate the technological advancements we’ve made in the automotive industry. Manuals have their place in fun hatchbacks and track toys but not in supercars which are supposed to be the quickest, most advanced cars available to the public. Also it’s a big red button to start it… it’s not rocket science.
Audi simply makes cool ads…
This has to be the most feels i’ve felt in a commercial
All fun and games till the old man wraps it around a tree.
The feels have reached maximum velocity
Cars make sad people happy.
8500rpm NA V10 will excite anyone
how about vi*gra?
Wut? I posted this BEFORE Carthrottle did and I hardly got anything. Then when Carthrottle posts it they get tons of attention. Carthrottle be like:
I know how you feel :(
You’re not in the editorial though. That’s why
Very cool ad!