BMW M6 Demolishes Brick Security Wall After Driver Badly Loses Control
There’s a time and a place to drive your powerful BMW like you stole it, and it’s not through a residential area.
This driver, though, who for all we know might genuinely have nicked the M6 involved in this nasty-looking crash, thought they could get away with it. They were wrong.
The car is captured on a secure building’s CCTV cameras as it careers around a bend dangerously close to an oncoming Volkswagen Polo. The Polo forces the driver to over-correct and he or she (probably he) loses control, fishtailing before slamming straight into the wall being monitored by the security cameras.
We noticed two seriously impressive things here, neither of which were the idiot’s driving. The first is how well the M6 stands up to the impact with the wall, arguably taking less damage than the completely demolished brickwork. The second is how quickly the airbags inflate. From one frame to the next in the CCTV footage they’re suddenly there.
Anyway, we don’t need to add a warning not to try this at home, but seriously, don’t.
Old Romans, should have used an M6 insted of the Trojan Horse
Was it not the Greeks?
Don’t want to know how much this would cost in South Africa.
The car itself or the repairs?
Leaked footage of the Fast & Furious 9
I read “masonry” as “Mansory” at first. If the M6 could damage the wall like that, imagine what it could do to Mansory’s design department
You mean ‘Mansory’?
Looks like Volvo has competition
When u get too distracted trying to find the indicator….(im sorry)
When you’re really late for the braai and some dn in a polo gets in your way.
Dat scandinavian flick
BMW: Bricks Mean What?
Brick Means War!
When going through the fence is to easy