It's Official: Speed Bumps Are Terrible For The Environment And Need To Die
Most of us probably consider speed bumps to be a nuisance, and at worst something which can cause a fair bit of damage to certain kinds of car. Stancers, and people who daily track cars, I’m looking at you. However, they’re even more evil than we might have otherwise thought.
According to the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), speed bumps either need to be completely redesigned from their current forms, or be removed entirely to promote smoother, more economical driving. As it stands, speed bumps are causing drivers to accelerate and decelerate constantly, making a hefty contribution to air pollution - something which kills 25,000 people every year in this country alone.
An end to all speed bumps? Sign us up. But, before you get ahead of yourselves, you may not appreciate all of Nice’s recommendations. It’s advising a drop in the speed limit from 70 to 50mph on certain stretches of motorway, and is calling for more 20mph zones in residential areas. And yes, cameras are likely to be used for enforcement, should the government take heed of Nice’s report.
Elsewhere, Nice also suggests avoiding having cycle paths near busy roads - or using foliage as a screen where it’s unavoidable - and moving living rooms to the rear of houses in polluted areas.
Stancenation people be like:
Didn’t know Rory Reid was a ‘’stanceguy’’.
And literally everyone who barrels over my speed hump as if it doesn’t exist and doesn’t give a s* about their car probably won’t care that much anyways
No more speedbumps? Well then, I guess we don’t need to drive our car slowly and sideways whe we approach a speedbump..
And this wouldn’t happen.
We need to bump this kind of news more often
You mean, speedbump it 😎
Top gear was right (insert Chris Evans here)
I don’t have a problem with speed bumps really. They are generally only in places where the traffic really does need to slow down eg outside a school or in a car park where the chances of a person walking out right in front of a car are increased. If you’re speeding somewhere like that then I believe you should be condemned to public transport for the rest of eternity!
The issue is when the wrong type of speed bumps are used. In a 20mph zone, use humps that can be driven over at 20. In a 5mph zone, use humps that have to be driven over at 5. The problem that’s causing pollution is when you’re driving at 30mph in a 30, and then have to slow down to 2mph to get over the most pregnant sleeping policeman you’ve ever encountered, before accelerating away and slowing down again for the next one.
it depends where you live. for me there are no speed bumps in the road outside the schools, in car parks, the town centre or any other pedestrian dense area. the selection of where they are seems to be a result of someone behind a desk who doesn’t drive using a map as a dartboard to decide where the arbitrary number of speed bumps which was thought up by their colleague who also doesn’t drive should go.
“They are generally only in places where really does need to slow down” HA, I guess you have never been to Saudi Arabia. We have them literally everywhere, merging to the highway? Speedbump. Going down a main road? Speedbump. A zebra crossing that literally no one has crossed in its lifetime? Speedbump.
Thank you for this ! It seems no one understands speedbumps.
I don’t really get why they want to decrease the top speed. Most Cars can do 70mph in sixth at 1500 rpm but most Cars can’t do that going at 50mph. That would cause to be in a lower gear at more rpm which in my opinión, would pollute more.
Lawmakers don’t understand cars it seems.
My car can stay in 6th at 45mph just fine
My car can stay in 6th at 45mph just fine
My car can stay in 6th at 45mph just fine
My car is 13 years old and does around 3,000 rpm in 70 😅
I was always right about speed bumps only problem is, I never told anyone.
To be honest, I don’t mind more 20mph zones in towns and cities in the UK. There has been a clear correlation between reducing the speed limit to 20mph and number of accidents.
But. At the same time, I’d increase motorway speed limit from 70 to at least 80mph, because thats where 70mph doesn’t make any sense
Dont forget, those speed bumps also cause over 600,000 deaths per year in the case of ambulances
Do I spot top gear fact?
I didn’t know that
speed bumps are always in stupid areas, they don’t slow people down. and morons always slow down and speed up for them, rather than maintaining a constant speed.
Then there’s the inner rally driver in me who says run the car off that jump at an obscene speed.
What’s the big problem with not wanting to scrape your car? In my wife’s Corolla with factory suspension I literally have to stop, then ride the brake and throttle in order to not scrape