Here in Australia, when traveling at 80 km/h or more, the rightmost lane is the overtaking lane, all other lanes are normal lanes and the left lane is where trucks usually sit, perfectly legal to sit in the middle lane
That’s because everything in Australia is backwards
Good thing Croatia has only 2 lanes on a highway.
I never quite understood that logic, middle lane makes absolutely perfect sense for cruising. Inner lane is for merging on/off, middle for driving and outside for passing. This way people merging on and off don’t interfere with flow of traffic and you have a passing lane.
They forgot to explain the reason. Middle lane hoggers prevent those in the overtaking lane to merge back into the middle lane, thus forcing them to perpetually be on the fast lane (3rd lane), and when another car’s coming from behind, this guy already in the overtaking lane finds it almost impossible to merge back into the middle lane because of the hoggers!
i was agreeing with the video up until they said move to the left, if you’re slow like that move to the right or those behind you now will be a little more… unforgiving of your speed.
Then change your freking driving school system and teach them that!
This is quite common in Macedonia, Bulgaria and similar countries, but only because the “slow” lane (we only have dual carriage ways) is so badly cracked, broken and filled with massive potholes from the trucks that you’ll either get a puncture or wear your suspension out way too fast. No joke, it really is that bad.
I’m was saying in the US We use the 2 left lane for cars that are typically going over the speed limit (Occasionally you get that one a-hole who is driving like a Prius owner)
The middle lane for cars going slower then the cars in the left lanes but faster then those on the right lanes
Lastly the 2 right lanes are used for Prius drivers aka (the typical 83 year old grandma. Or the hippy who thinks car should all be electric and drive themselves. He also doesn’t know manual transmissions exist) The lanes are also used to merging on and off the freeway
Just thought it was funny That the lanes are used backwards(from my perspective) No disrespect
Here in Australia, when traveling at 80 km/h or more, the rightmost lane is the overtaking lane, all other lanes are normal lanes and the left lane is where trucks usually sit, perfectly legal to sit in the middle lane
That’s because everything in Australia is backwards
Good thing Croatia has only 2 lanes on a highway.
I never quite understood that logic, middle lane makes absolutely perfect sense for cruising. Inner lane is for merging on/off, middle for driving and outside for passing. This way people merging on and off don’t interfere with flow of traffic and you have a passing lane.
They forgot to explain the reason. Middle lane hoggers prevent those in the overtaking lane to merge back into the middle lane, thus forcing them to perpetually be on the fast lane (3rd lane), and when another car’s coming from behind, this guy already in the overtaking lane finds it almost impossible to merge back into the middle lane because of the hoggers!
i was agreeing with the video up until they said move to the left, if you’re slow like that move to the right or those behind you now will be a little more… unforgiving of your speed.
Then change your freking driving school system and teach them that!
This is quite common in Macedonia, Bulgaria and similar countries, but only because the “slow” lane (we only have dual carriage ways) is so badly cracked, broken and filled with massive potholes from the trucks that you’ll either get a puncture or wear your suspension out way too fast. No joke, it really is that bad.
I’m was saying in the US
We use the 2 left lane for cars that are typically going over the speed limit
(Occasionally you get that one a-hole who is driving like a Prius owner)
The middle lane for cars going slower then the cars in the left lanes but faster then those on the right lanes
Lastly the 2 right lanes are used for Prius drivers aka (the typical 83 year old grandma. Or the hippy who thinks car should all be electric and drive themselves. He also doesn’t know manual transmissions exist)
The lanes are also used to merging on and off the freeway
Just thought it was funny
That the lanes are used backwards(from my perspective)
No disrespect