This Is The Most G-Wagen Way To Overtake At 70mph
It's pretty cool being overtaken by a Mercedes G500 4x4² (they're huge and sound immense), but this overtake in the Czech Republic will go down in history as the most obnoxiously brilliant G-Wagen overtake in history
Find out more about the Mercedes G500 4x4².
Why arent u faster
I approve this! Drinks a glass of grape juice
It’s in the Czech Republic so he likely thought being offroad would be better on his car than using the roads :P
doesn´t everyone with a 4x4 at least tried once?
and after playing so much GTA i’m not even suprised when i’d see a boat drop on the highway….. out of nowhere….
So he has no speed limit right?I mean that cops cant pull him over and give him an ticket for speeding?
The cops couldn’t get off road to catch him :P
G waggon is so boss it makes everything else sound like it is on helium
What if he hit a big bump??
When your passenger says your car can’t handle going off road.
Czech rules :D