Paul Walker's Daughter Has Settled With Porsche Over Her Father's Death

The daughter of the car world’s beloved Paul Walker has settled her lawsuit with Porsche out of court.
Meadow Walker had been suing Porsche over her father’s untimely death in 2013, citing known instability issues in the Carrera GT in which he was a passenger, and claiming that he was only killed because the seatbelt jammed and trapped him inside the burning car.

A US judge found last year that the latter claim was unfounded and that Porsche wasn’t at fault, but the former ‘wrongful death’ argument was ongoing. We don’t know what sort of terms or sums of money are involved, but both Porsche and Meadow Walker have requested that the suit be dropped after an agreement was reached on October 16, according to The Blast.
Last year Meadow Walker won a $10.1 million settlement with the estate of Roger Rhodas, the driver who lost control of the Carrera GT in which Walker senior was riding.
I’m sorry, it is a hypercar, but hypercar or not, no car can handle 93 in a 30 zone, especially with old tyres.
Particularly a hypercar that was garage queened for almost 8 years.
This is America. You can throw your toilet out of the window and then sue the person who installed the window because there are, in fact, no warning signs that you shouldn’t throw your toilet out of the window.
I understand how she feels. But it’s not the car’s fault, it all about the driver. Sorry girl.
Walker and Rodas didn’t die because the seatbelt jammed or anything, they died because Rodas did over 100 mph in city traffic.
Thank you for healthy bones and Calcium
Wow youre smart. It was a track day on a closed road. They were the only one out at the time
Say what anyone will, but I find it ridiculous that someone could be suing a car company for building an “unstable” car. A seat belt could jam in any vehicle in any accident! Seems like there’s another motive behind this whole suing thing…the reason’s just too ridiculous, imo!
Avarice. That and only that is the motive.
She wants to take advantage of her father’s death by squeezing as much money out of it as possible
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
WTF!? Thats utter BS! Why should be it the fault of Porsche? The car was going way to fast in the city.
Because money
It is entirely possible that Porsche settled just to get the case to go away.
If the driver of the Carrera GT was driving too fast what does he expect to happen?
And he was on old ass tires in a Widowmaker. Which is basically suicide to anyone who knows anything about a car of that degree.
A land of morons
Making the UK look pathetic,
Every day enraging the Brits
Repeatedly chanting their boastful nation,
In a way that annoys every other country.
Can you see that this is
America taking a giant poo on the world?
rip peil wulakr
I’ll pass aside, but only because memes
I don’t want to be an a-hole, because losing your father is horrible and for me it would be life-breaking, but both Rhodas and Walker knew what kind of car the Carrera GT is. And of course, you should NEVER drive 100 mph in a city and ESPECIALLY with old tyres. The seatbelts can be jammed in any car, not just in a Porsche. This was an accident caused by the driver, a driver who knew what he was doing and still decided to break the law, not the company and its car.
Besides, I’m pretty sure they died on impact… Didn’t they?
Correct me if I’m wrong of course. I’m not very informed on the situation.