Should The Motorway Speed Limit Be Raised To 80mph?

For years there's been talk of bumping the UK motorway speed limit up from 70mph to 80mph. But is it a good idea?
Should The Motorway Speed Limit Be Raised To 80mph?

At the dawn of the UK’s motorway network, there wasn’t a speed limit at all. That ended in 1965 as 70mph speed limits were introduced, but over 50 years have passed, so is it time for an update?

Improvements in crash safety, brake technology and even road technology since then have been massive, so it’s no surprise that the idea of an increase in speed limit has been raised by both campaigners and members of parliament in recent years. It’s even been discussed in the House of Commons, but proposals have never been given the go-ahead.

Upping the speed limit would mean quicker journey times and this will benefit the economy, not to mention making long trips less frustrating and slipways more entertaining…

Thanks to new ‘smart’ motorways with variable speed limits it’d be easy to introduce 80mph limits in test areas, or even roll out a higher speed limit on all newer sections of motorway, leaving older, less safe parts at 70mph.

On the other hand, bumping up the speed limit could still lead to an increase in accidents, even if the 315 foot 70-0mph braking distance given by the Highway Code is rather generous (with most modern cars, you’re looking at around half that). You’d get a substantial increase in emissions across the motorway network, too.

So with these things in mind, what’s your opinion? Get voting!

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Yes and I don’t even live in UK

03/09/2016 - 15:04 |
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Im just here in texas going 95 legally

03/09/2016 - 16:40 |
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Thankfully, this isn’t in the US.
Too many utility trucks and semis going 10-under here.
In the left lane.

03/09/2016 - 18:21 |
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And then there is germany with the “you need to go atleast 120km/h” marker(which is about 75mph) :D

03/09/2016 - 20:16 |
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i dont get why all damn country’s in the world have a maximum speed limit :/ why not generally unlimited like here in germany. i just dont get it…

03/09/2016 - 22:07 |
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In the netherlands we havethe limit raised to 130kph(81.25mph) and guess what, i didnt die…

03/09/2016 - 22:10 |
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Amar Sekhon

Has no one watched top gear where Jeremy says it a good idea to keep it at 70MPH

03/09/2016 - 22:31 |
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Wish the speed limit is 70 where I live in America. Like what is 50, 55, mph

03/10/2016 - 04:26 |
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Jon Gallant

Everyone already does at least 5-6 mph over the limit already, so upping it to 80 is ridiculous, just leave it where it is, if you want to go faster, get on a track FFS

Also, our standard of driving that’s taught is complete crap compared to the Germans/Finns/Swedes, better driving training or mandatory pass plus/advanced driving course would be need IMO before speed limits get upped.

03/10/2016 - 13:03 |
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I mean, I don’t know if everyone filled this bit out right, but 25% of 0-12 year olds think we shouldn’t be able to do 80? Bit weird? All I wanted was speed at that age.

03/10/2016 - 16:12 |
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