This Video Helps To Explain F1's Absurdly Complicated 2016 Tyre Rules
F1 has introduced some confusing new tyre rules for 2016 but this funny and informative video from YouTuber chainbearf1 explains it in a way that is actually (sort of) understandable
This is just absurd…
Because F1 wasn’t crap enough.
Because one type of tire for everyone is to mainstream
I got more mind fu*ked than when Isaac Newton discovered gravity
Complicated as hell, BUT it os clever. It will make races interesting and there will be mixed up strategies
To make F1 interesting they need to let them do whatever they want - Each team bring your best car, doesn’t matter what shape it is, doesn’t matter the size of the engine, wheels or tyres, doesn’t matter if you have a turbo, supercharger, nitrous or all 3! Just build the fastest car you can and race them! Also each team can only have one car and one driver, gets rid of the nonsense team orders which takes away from what the racing should be.
So you’re saying, the team with the most money wins.
Just bring back Bridgestone and NA V8. How hard is that?
Wtf! FIA is destroying F1.
Erhm did i just wander into something like math lesson!?
Still less complicated than math.