Volvo Engineer Breaks Spy Photographer's Zoom, Dude

Not the zoom, please don't break the zoom! Oh...

What's the difference between a celebrity-obsessed stalker paparazzo and a car spy photographer? As it turns out, not a great deal; both are utterly detested by the celebrities or manufacturers they're trying to get some rag-selling dirt on.

The kicker? If they're filming in a public place, the snappers aren't doing anything illegal. Which is why it's rather odd that this Volvo engineer decides to hop out of his zebra-camouflaged XC40 concept (that's the new V40 hitting US shores) to stick it to the man. Or the man's camera. "You broke the zoom, dude!"

According to Jalopnik, the Volvo engineer proceeded to berate the spy photographer's wife, until the photog in question threatened that "if you go near her I'll knock you out". Sounds fair enough.

Car-spotting enthusiasts with expensive cameras... steer clear of this zoom-beater.

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