What It's Like Owning A Four-Rotor Mazda RX-7 (Hint: It's Epic)
This four-rotor RX-7 owner explains what life is like with one of the best sounding cars you have ever heard...This is the dream!
Don’t forget, CT friend Rob Dahm is building his very own four-rotor AWD RX-7. If this is anything to go by, it’ll be epic too!
Its one big maintnance bill. Thats why people ls swap them
It’s for a enthusiast… If you care about maintenance you schouldnt buy a rotary car to begin with i think.
The main reason a person will buy a rotary is because they love them and they have a passion for them. If you worry about maintainance and cost then a rotary is not for you m8.
Y the downvotes?
Same reason why normal people don’t buy Miatas either since nobody wants to constantly spend money on anti-rust products.
that’s what its like to own one.
There are no stu stu stu’s buddy
What’s up,Muscle fanboys with your LS’s?
I can’t hear you from the BRAAAAAAPING.
ls swap it?
imagine someone replaces your soul in your body. how would you feel
Pretty great if I was still alive.
I was sitting at a stop sign on their testing road one day when I saw/heard the RX-7 coming towards me. I had seen the car in videos and lovingly stare at it when I drive past their shop.
I turned off TC and took off after it in my Mazdaspeed 6 to get a closer look. About time I caught up to it they were turning around and I slowly drove past them like a drooling stalker.
The sound is amazing in person and it’s as epic as it looks.
I really need to apply for a job there.
No way a cop would ever stop this car for noise. I mean you wouldn’t tell an orchestra playing mozart to piss off right?
I had to go to the bathroom, the noises!!!!!
Alex Kersten We need to talk.
Nissan 420sxgaryMr.PurpleV12Qian Li Another one…