What I've learned after driving a normal car for a while.
My pride and joy the 2001 BMW 330ci has been gone for a while now having some work done.

My pride and joy the 2001 BMW 330ci has been gone for a while now having some work done. An OEM oil leak, new RTAB’s, shock tower reinforcement, new sub frame bushings, an electrical issue… and it’s being measured up for some welding to ensure the subframe and chassis don’t start cracking up now it’s lower, harder and grippier.
Let’s gloss over a new fog light and the bumper realignment after I parked it over an awkward curb and switch to the actual subject here - driving my wife’s brand spanking new Honda CRV. A vehicle that is pretty much the opposite of the BMW. It’s automatic transmission, front wheel drive and a crossover SUV.
It’s everything I should hate about driving.
First thing is… oh such joy having suspension that soaks up the bumps in our seriously bumpy city! No dropping to second to go through the silly drainage channels or picking routes based on how bumpy roads are.
Then there is the wonder of technology that is keyless entry and start. Oh man can I get used to this. Key thing just goes in the pocket and stays there. Walk out the house door, pull the handle, foot on the brake and press the button to be on your way. I know it’s all car guy and macho to like blipping the alarm, pushing a key in the ignition and having that tactile start but screw that. Reality is that jumping in the thing and going is awesome.
What I’ve really noticed though having not driven an SUV for quite a while is how it effects the way you drive and your mentality. In a car that doesn’t really do fast you have to just accept and roll with it because there’s no satisfaction in it. You’re also up high so most of the time you can see further ahead in traffic but my favorite bit is:
Little boys in their hairdryer powered fart can exhaust driven Honda Civic’s don’t try and race me from every red light in this.
I swear, my resting heart rate has dropped because it’s now always resting. I can grab a coffee and drink it rather than find I’m at the end of my journey with a cold cup of coffee. It’s great and I can see why my wife has fallen in love with it. She can drive a manual and grab a car by the scruff of it’s neck, but the reality is she drives 60 miles per day in traffic. It’s definitely the tool for the job.
The other day though we decided to take a drive up into the mountains and only that was available, and when I say mountains I mean 6000 feet upwards with this:

I’ve been itchy already, but right now I’m suffering. The BMW’s a bit bumpy round town, the manual is a pain in the arse in traffic, little ricers want to race it all the time, it’s a cop magnet but it’s just so much fun.
There’s no way I would trade my car for an SUV like this, but every couple of weeks I have to drive an hour and a half to San Diego and/or Orange County and I suspect the wife will be left with my keys for a few hours. There’s also those short runs across town that might be taken in a little more low key comfort now.
It’s definitely reminded me that with cars… they are all about the tool for the job.
Schlawyaya Szymek S Gurminder Bains Chadkake FLixy Madfox 狂ったキツネ
Matt Robinson
Good to see you weighing the pros and cons of both
Preach brother! That button ignition thing is a gift from heaven above.
Walk out, get in car, go do the thing.
This post explains neatly why, if I had the money, I’d buy an ‘everyday’, fairly sensible car (Probably a Golf Sportwagen or something like that) and then have my ‘fun’ car for the weekends; ideally a Suzuki Cappuccino :)
Cappuccino? Someone’s got some class
I have just done exactly this - I have my fun NB8B MX5 with shortened gearing, stiff suspension etc for the weekends and a 2.4L 5 pot turbo diesel auto Alfa Romeo 159 Sportwagon for the daily commute. Both cars are flawed…. But both are absolutely perfect for their purpose to me.
Great writeup! And i agree, sometimes you have just got to take it easy on the road, what iv found with my E46 is that it always tempts you to put your foot down
Yeah, it’s not like my E46 is a rocket ship, but it does always want to go.
What town do you live, I’m right in Yorba Linda in OC, you don’t have to answer, just curious.
I’m down in the Inland Empire near Temecula.
Hey my mom has a CRV! They are really punchy when you put it in Sport.
Have you noticed the exhaust sound when you do nail it? Sounds like it has the wrong engine in it.
CRV are pretty good car in the corner might not as sharp as your BMW but it have the grip on corner.
Not really, it has a high roll centre and the tires from the factory aren’t great. Brakes are sharp though, surprisingly good.
True. My dad owns a CLA 250 with the AMG package (including sports suspension) with a ride as harsh as a unforgiving massage. Getting into other cars for a brief period though, I am entirely grateful for a ride that actually does its purpose.
Sounds like the difference between my daily and my fun car. Ones a kinda wonky suv thats not very fast but it’s very convenient and comfy, the other is erm…meant to perform.
Felt the same way driving mums brand new Subaru Forester 2.5i. Great to drive with fair bit of grunt. Love the massive sunroof but CVT can be jerky at low speeds
A CVT shouldn’t be jerky at low speeds, should be the opposite. That might be a problem. Maybe even an engine problem rather than gearbox.
My wife’s Legacy had the same 2.5 and CVT, there’s no jerkyness at all, never was even the day we drove it off the lot brand new.