Why Driving Slowly In The Passing Lane Is Stupid And Dangerous

Driving slowly in the left lane actually causes more accidents than people who drive over the prescribed speed limit. Here's why people need to stop doing it!
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In most coutrys in europe it is against the law to pass on right on the highway and the same goes for driving on the left lane when you are not overtaking

08/27/2016 - 12:55 |
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In the UK at least thats how motorways (highways) are meant to be used. Left lane for slow vehicles/vehicles taking the next junction but its really meant for normal driving, the middle lane is for overtaking those slow vehicles but in reality its just your average standard driving lane for those who are driving at a normal speed and do not need to take the next slip road. The outer lane, sometimes referred to as the fast lane is for meant for overtaking anyone in the middle lane but in reality its just for those who are going to go over the speed limit and need to overtake vehicles in the middle lane. Think of it this way - Left lane is for trucks/caravans/workvehicles (slow vehicles) and those who need to take the next slip road. Middle lane is for normal everyday driving around the speed limit (this lane can be used by trucks/caravans/etc). Right lane is used for fast driving (usually above the speed limit) and cannot be used by slow moving vehicles (caravans/trucks/etc). The main principle is that if you see another driver behind you that is approaching and you are either in the middle or right lane you have to move over to the left lane provided that it is safe to do so. So many young drivers have no idea how the highway code works which is why its slowly being to changed to the SLOW/NORMAL/FAST lanes. To conclude, if you see a vehicle behind you and is going faster than you (getting closer to you) you move over to the left lane. If you are already in the furthest left lane they will used the middle lane to overtake you. Also want to add something, if you see another driving that is clearly going over the speed limit it is not your duty to make them slow down, that is the duty of the Police and the speed cameras. Do not attempt to slow them down as this will only cause more danger. Also want to add a personal note, if you’re bloody overtaking someone don’t take more than a minute to do so, smash that throttle and get back to your lane so others can continue at their own speed.

08/27/2016 - 14:21 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

When its a two lane motorway (yes they do exist) the left lane if for normal driving and the right lane is for overtaking, none of that fast lane/slow lane business here. This should be the case for any type of road with more than a single lane, left lane for normal driving and right lane for overtaking only. If you are going to overtake multiple vehicles stay in the overtaking lane, there’s no need to keep weaving in and out of lanes like I have seen some people which is bewildering.

08/27/2016 - 14:25 |
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James Reuter

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Can i also add that motorway driving is no wear to be seen when it comes to UK driving tests, hence why so many people don’t know the rules, because they can pass the test with out knowing them

08/27/2016 - 23:57 |
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In the UK, you Americans, we have 3 lanes on our motorways and it’s illegal to sit in the middle lane when you not overtaking. The amount of times I’ve had to go from the first lane, aaaaall the way across to the 3rd lane because someone’s doing 10 under the limit and then come all the way back is amazing. It infuriates me so much I get bad road rage!!

08/27/2016 - 14:27 |
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Conrad Brightman

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

At least you could overtake them is all i am saying. the amount of time i have come across all the lanes blocked by people all traveling the same speed…

08/27/2016 - 15:57 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

really wish they would enforce it more though on motorways like the m53 that only have 2 lanes the amount of times i have been sat behind a car in the out side lane at late evening when the motorway is basicly empty is mad

08/27/2016 - 23:13 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

come to LA. we have 8 lane wide freeways and everyone is doing different speeds in each.

08/28/2016 - 14:11 |
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That moment when you see Supercars of London in the video xD

08/27/2016 - 14:54 |
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Everyday problem here in the Netherlands, more then half of the vehicles are leftlane hoggers but the law states only use the left lane to overtake. Otherwise, stay in the most right lane!

08/27/2016 - 14:57 |
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god I hate these american videos :D

08/27/2016 - 15:06 |
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This post is pointless. Makes no sense. Utterly wrong. Try driving in india. Easier and safer to pass on the left. And the right lane is technically the passing lane….. the slow lane is the fast lane….and the fast lane is a parking lot….. well, it’s all going to hell. Please kill me, even phil’s gone.

08/27/2016 - 15:20 |
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conclusion, make non restricted speed limits!!!

08/27/2016 - 15:25 |
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Right Lane is always correct, even if think people are more safe in the middle or left lane.

Let’s imagine you are driving down the highway, on the right lane, and by misfortune your tire blows up or gets punctured, or something else happens, if there are people behind you or passing, they won’t get caught too much in your accident and can have time to react until you safely stopped the car.

Now, let’s imagine the same thing but you are driving in the left/middle lane when you aren’t overtaking, and the same misfortune happens and you have to slow down and pull over, there’s a higher risk to caught someone else and causing a bad crash.

For example i was driving my celica and i was on a the highway, 2 lanes, there’s was a car in front of me, and all of a sudden all power was out so i simply pull over tapping gently the brakes to not jam the brake pedal. What was the problem? Because the car got a new battery, the connectors were secured enough and one of them jumped out of place.

If i was on the left lane and that happened, there could have been alot worse, i could have lost the brakes, people behind me could ram me because the tail lights weren’t working, and i could have swiped someone.

Always the right lane its the right choice

08/27/2016 - 15:29 |
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Moose 1

My problem is when people get all annoyed when I am in the fast lane and overtaking but not going fast enough for them. If I am doing 5 over and overtaking sombody I have more than enough right to use the outside lane and you dont need to make aggressive moves to pass me some other way if you want to be doing 10 over.

The other thing is that driving slow in the fast lane while not overtaking is not a nice thing to do, but if someone is doing it it should not cause an accident. A traffic jam for sure, but if you pull off some crazy overtaking trick and hit somebody it is your own fault for not being patient.

08/27/2016 - 15:34 |
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