Why Most Car Enthusiasts Love Corners #blogpost
More often than not, car enthusiasts prefer to drive on roads that have frequent changes in directions, why is that? I will delve into why I think that petrolheads like corners…

More often than not, car enthusiasts prefer to drive on roads that have frequent changes in directions, why is that? I will delve into why I think that petrolheads like corners…
Normal people like roads that are straight, fast and efficient. There’s a big reason why superhighways cut straight through mountains instead of winding up them.
One big reason I think petrolheads like corners is because driving a twisty road fast takes more input and skill than driving a straight road fast. Driving a straight road fast is just controlling wheel spin, keeping the car straight, keeping the throttle pinned and shifting gears. On the other hand, driving a twisty road fast means following a good line, braking zones, controlling understeer and oversteer, controlled corner exits and more. This love of corners is backed up by what enthusiast cars are like to drive. Many enthusiast’s cars prioritize cornering over straight line speed, or they at least make them equal.
Another significant reason car enthusiasts like corners is drifting, technically known as oversteer. With the back end loose, fun times can be had but be careful; with great fun comes great responsibility.
For some people, straights are just the best way to get to the next corner

I would say that, along the reason if controlling the car around the corners, corners have to make you work more; keeping you busy.
Because, honestly, chances are that if you are a car enthusiast, you will like driving. Driving around and being able to actually concentrate on not crashing - or rather, dying.
I totally agree with you, especially on the last point. That focus on not dying is what makes cornering so exhilarating for me. I feel like in order to achieve the same sensation in a straight line, you would have to be pushing extreme speeds and power, which is arguably more dangerous
I mean…corners are what driving is all about, right? If everything were straight paths, we’d be using trains and rail cars, as there’d be no need for steering.
Not entirely. Some people like off roading, drag racing and cruising.
One of two reasons I like twisty roads is OVERSTEER
Is the second reason understeer?
for me
it’s for the deja vu to start playing in my head
I’m fortunate enough to live on a twisting road up a plateau.
I unfortunately live in a f**king desert
Why do I like corners? …Because racecar? No?
Corners are where it’s at. That’s why I love my MINI, absolute fun on the bends. Not the fastest car in the world, but they’re so agile. Mine is fully set up on coilovers, RCAs, droplinks, ARBs. It sticks to the road like glue! Corners FTW.
PS I appreciate any and all types of driving and cars. If you have fun whilst doing it, then that’s what matters.
Nice car, not overdone, just clean.
I do really love corners, change in altitude and sharp curves, but I’d rather drive a manual on straight roads, than driving an auto on twisty roads. With manuals on curvy roads though, it’s like you’re going to the gym but you’re actually in your car, changing gears, spin the steering wheels left and right while throttling down the roads and playing with the clutch. Imo driving is not for us to go from A to B. It’s an opportunity for us to have a little bit of fun in life. Manuals ftw!
That moment when autos are faster
Curvy roads are the best. Close ratio manual gearbox makes it even better, when you have to shift a lot, accelerating,braking, is when its the most fun.
Totally agree with you, but I also have a theory that enthusiasts love G-force. There’s something about the feeling of having of being pulled against your seat that makes it so amazing
That’s part of the reason, though I suspect there’s more to it than that. We feel G-force while accelerating and decelerating, too, which means that going in a straight line can still be exhilarating. However, somehow the lateral G-forces are felt much stronger than longitudinal ones.