This Is Why You Shouldn't Ride Your Sport Bike In The Snow

There are motorbikes that are made to work well in poor conditions... this is not one of them! Motovlogger Walteriffic tries taking his sport bike out in the snow and spends most of his time on his backside or getting to know strangers
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Walter is love
Walter is life

01/02/2016 - 16:49 |
88 | 0

I found Walter after watching ‘Your Pals Chris and Al’ and now I can’t stop watching Walter’s videos :P

01/02/2016 - 20:40 |
3 | 0

What a cool guy :D thanks for sharing

01/02/2016 - 17:01 |
1 | 0

I must be loosing somethin here.. Everyone is talking about how awsome this guy is… And I can’t stop thinking how annoying this bloke is.

01/02/2016 - 17:33 |
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Damn i must be cool times 16(years now) too since i drive all year round in a country with up to 5 months of snow a year rolleyes

01/02/2016 - 17:59 |
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Martin Notland

I mean, I drove my dirt bike on snow with dirt tires, and never use the front brake because it locks up instantly, but on a sportsbike? I guess this video was just to attract viewers…

01/02/2016 - 18:14 |
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What a cockwomble!

01/02/2016 - 19:06 |
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To be honest to Walter, he deserves so much more credit for his videos.
His series are hilarious. Kudos

01/02/2016 - 19:08 |
2 | 0

You gotta give him props, though. He could’ve said its stupid and be done with it, but Walter loves us 😊

01/02/2016 - 19:20 |
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Walterrific is my all time favorite motovlogger!

01/02/2016 - 19:23 |
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