This Is Why You Shouldn't Ride Your Sport Bike In The Snow

There are motorbikes that are made to work well in poor conditions... this is not one of them! Motovlogger Walteriffic tries taking his sport bike out in the snow and spends most of his time on his backside or getting to know strangers
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what is the cone on the helmet for?

01/03/2016 - 00:18 |
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This is what I’m contemplating on doing.

01/03/2016 - 01:06 |
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I’ve done this, but it was a ninja 250, so a lot lighter whenever i slid. Only time I fell was because of a dog running out in front of me on a really snowy alley.

01/03/2016 - 01:45 |
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01/03/2016 - 03:51 |
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Wait… don’t you remember that Ducati has offroad and Racing motorcycle in one base, Ducati Multistrada, Guys?

01/03/2016 - 04:02 |
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This guy is so obnoxious it’s ridiculous!

01/03/2016 - 04:42 |
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Michael M

Man I love Walter, 100000% homo, no shame

01/03/2016 - 06:56 |
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or any bike really

01/03/2016 - 07:34 |
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Is there a point with all those lights and things on the helmet or is it just to look like you just rode your bike out of halo? :D

01/03/2016 - 10:36 |
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