I don’t understand all the hate that Tesla and electric cars in general are getting. They are fantastic
Now, before you go raging to the comments let me address some of issues I’ve seen people have with electric cars.
1- They don’t make sound
Now I love a good sounding car as much as the next guy, but is it really a valid reason to hate on electric cars? No. Yes V8s, V10s, V12s and rotaries sound amazing but we don’t have the fuel to run them forever and the fact that we are getting car makers like Tesla and Rimac making electric cars fast and exciting is great.
2- Alternate Fuels
I’ve heard people say how hydrogen fuel is much better than electric however there is only one problem, we don’t have a developed and practical and cheap hydrogen car and there is a very good reason for that, you see hydrogen is an incredibly difficult fuel to store and is explosive and it does not have as much energy as petrol which means we would have to use a lot of it. And for now atleast we haven’t really developed a successful hydrogen car and if we do in the future, then for sure it’s a good alternative but for now when our fossil fuel resources are about to run out, electric is the most developed option
3- Generating electricity to run cars causes pollution
This one is perhaps the one that makes the most sense, but here’s thing while yes we should try to have electricity generated in a more environment friendly way and most likely will in the future. It’s still more efficient and better for the environment to use an electric car instead of one powered fossil fuels and there have been some studies to prove it, you honestly don’t think that companies would have spent millions or even billions of dollars in research and development for electric vehicles without actually test whether they are more efficient.
Anyways that’s just my opinion on electric cars, I think they are good and companies like Tesla are making them fast and exciting for us car people and all the hate they are getting is completely unreasonable.
I don’t get it either, I love them
Me 2
Your comparing
Elon Musk to Henry Ford was a pretty big anti semite good job they completely the same intentions
No, Im comparing big events in the car industry which made it what it is. If it wasnt for the Model T car wouldnt have gotten cheaper, Im not comparing Elon Musk to Henry Ford.
Actually people hated the Benz Patent Motorwagen because people claimed it’s against the church and therefore the spawn of the antichrist.
But hey…special snowflakes have always been around :D
Oh wow I wasnt aware of that, I guess everything gets hated on..
What about ethanol and other hydrocarbons as fuels?
Yeah, Ethanol and some other hydrocarbons can definetly be used as alternate fuels. There are quite a few cars that can run ethanol as fuel but keep in mind that under complete combustion hydrocarbons do also release Carbon Dioxide which is a green house gas. And also while Methanol as a fuel is pretty good, it’s more expensive than fossil fuels and ethanol as a fuel won’t quite give the millage we get from fossil fueled cars.
Wow that’s a very good comparation.
I am 100% agree with all.
Tesla will go through bankruptcy if they don’t wise up
I don’t know about bankruptcy. I’m California I see about 10 or 11 Tesla’s a day.
Plus all the transportation just produce 13% greenhouse gases
True, but unfortunately it doesnt change the fact that Fossil Fuels will run out and we will have to find an alternate source to be able to power cars.
Whenever I see the No sound, I think NO SOUL
Umm sorry to tell you but cars are imanimate objects, they cant have a soul. I think a better way of describing what you’re saying is character which while yes electric cars might lack for now, who knows in the future they could be just as exciting
How come that the people who never drove a car are the ones talking about the “soul” of a car the most?
Yess!!! Same! :O
Affordable tesla?
Tesla Model 3, while yes not exactly cheap but its cheaper than most electric cars and is a step forward
Tesla Model 3, one of the cheapest available electric cars, yes not exactly cheap but still a step in the right direction.