The Cars That Shouldn't Exist

Audi Sport Quattro Mid Engined

This Audi no one should really know about but this all changed on the 20th October 1985 at Dešná near Zlín.,17.8525066,601m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en The Audi Sport team had been there from the 16th but had four days without testing as the area was very wet from heavy rain. The plan was to test the RS001 to make sure everything was in place and working correctly. The car went out to Desna in crates, marked for another location and was built up on location. The management knew nothing about. This would have gone unnoticed if it wasn’t for a photographer by the name of Jiří Jermakov. He heard that Audi was testing in the area and went for a look. He spotted the car parked up at the service area and took four image of the car. The car was spotted on the road at Gratwein, near Graz in Austria with Walter Rohrl at the wheel this time with a number plate attached to the car.

The story of the Dešná spy photos continues in Jermakovs own words- ‘’4 photos from that day I developed and gave to my friend,an organiser of the Barum Rallye, so he could be part of this exceptional discovery. These photos, with my knowledge, he sent to the editor of Svět Motoru (World of Motors) magazine saying they were from an anonymous fan of the Rallye.The editor was at the Dreistadte Rally where he met with members of JZD Slušovice and Audi Sport, asking for a reward for not publishing them. 6th November, Walter Rohrl and Christian Geistdorfer visited Slušovice, the next day at 07.00 I was taken to the office of the JZD management and interviewed about the photos, they were compared with others of mine and ackowledged to be my ownership, with no intent to harm the interests of JZD. After confiscating the negatives of the test circuit shots and documenting my interview, at 15.00 I was dismissed from the employment of the cooperative. They forced me to resign by ‘my own request’. I have never shown the photographs, and never received any payment. At my next encounter with the Svět Motoru editor, he refused to explain his actions and certainly didn’t apologize.’’

After three rounds of testing, the car was parked in a service area, and following a half to three quarters of an hour nothing happened. I went down to the village of Desna that I go home. Halfway there, but again the sound of sharply tuned engine. It was, however, of where he was patched Es leader. The driveway from the lower gate were coming civil Audi 100 and followed by “something”. It was a small, all white and in small overhangs was almost certain that the engine will neither front nor back, but in the middle. The only thing this vehicle was equipped, the sticker JZD Slušovice from all sides. Tractor Speedline and rear glass with crushed inscription quattro could leave little doubt that this is an Audi. And not just any! After all that time, the company’s management in Ingolstadt officially denied that anything like being prepared. Suddenly, I was just a few meters from a secret weapon.

So-secret was the thing that even the official pilots had knowledge of the existence of the car and it was a pilot for the development of the cars of the street that probus in desna the prototype. It was a test just to know that everything was in place and that the car was functioning properly. Once you have done this is a warning to röhrl that had to do some tests. It is I’m looking for a date on which the pilot was free and not to have to explain the whereabouts of röhrl it was decided to do the test in Austria, as close as possible of Germany, in a forest tracks near Salzburg. That day, even at night got two trucks of Audi in the direction of Austria, but when you get to the stretch they realized that they had followed a car with two photographers, so i turned around and went again to Germany without lowering the car Truck. Crossed the border and stopped the truck and made sure that no one followed them.
In the evening they went up again to the trucks and very close to there in a few dirt roads of bavaria down the car and röhrl could prove it. Made 180 miles of test and I’m convinced that that car was the ultimate weapon to fight your your with Peugeot and lancia, at the stroke of a pen had been solved problems of understeer in slow curve, such as the nervous behavior in areas Fastest S1.
A few days later, without knowing how, or who did them, appeared in a newspaper photos of the Austrian car in both desna as in bavaria and it all went down the drain.

The VW called piech and put him fine, and this was presented in the workshops of Audi sport and discovered that there were two units with mid-engine, with the pissed off that she was wearing, command to destroy them at that very moment, and in his presence. Command search a bulldozer that was on the outside of the facilities and caused the crushed and subsequently prensarlos command.
I did not know peich and of course no one told him that, is that in neckarsulm a production plant of Audi and in a warehouse paragraph was another unit of the rs002 already completely finished and final with the fibers, and that is the one that’s in the News exposed in the museum audi “.

tragically an extremely valued member of Audi got so stressed out carrying out orders from the factory, to protect the existence and secrecy of this car, that he had a heart attack and ultimately died.

The car was rumoured to have a 5 cylinder inline 20V mid-engine with the ability to produce 1000bhp.

Audi RS002. The biggest mystery

This car was never believed to be tested. Rohrl himself is convinced the car was not tested and with the odometer only showing 12km he could well be right. Very little is known about this car but it supposedly had a 6 cylinder engine with a turbo possibly from Porsche. Audi and Porsche were very close to collaborating. The car could also have had a PDK gearbox similar to that of the S1E2 that was used for testing purposes and at the 1985 RAC rally. Rumour has it the car that Audi has is not real and is a mock up. All of the cars should have been destroyed. Four cars were made and destroyed while being watched by Dr Piech. So would would this car be then? Audi are so secretive about this car we might not ever know.

The car is going to be shown in Austria (How Ironic) later this year as part of a Group S Celebration

Article by John McIlroy

Information from Hansport ,John McIlroy and Group B rallying legends

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J Park


02/14/2016 - 22:50 |
1 | 0

Quality article!

02/14/2016 - 23:29 |
0 | 0

Nothing comes up when I google Audi RS001. I think it had a different name but I don’t know what. Or maybe it doesn’t even have a name…

02/15/2016 - 00:57 |
4 | 0

It was called rs001 100%sure. It precedes the rs002. It’s one of those cars that you can’t just google to find out more about it. You have to ask people involved with Audi sport

02/15/2016 - 07:37 |
0 | 0
Sam Pagett

Love reading all of the articles that you post… Good job mate :D

02/15/2016 - 01:13 |
1 | 0

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