Super rare RUF 7 speed gearbox knob!

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Grzegorz J

Other than this looking like a joke its unlikely to work without the 3 being a different colour as u could select either 1 or 3 randomly as 6 to 5 seems to be neutral

07/19/2016 - 16:59 |
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It’s like a maze

07/19/2016 - 20:47 |
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I took 3 min to follow the no. at the moment

07/19/2016 - 23:57 |
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shift from 1 to 7 and grind some gears

07/19/2016 - 23:58 |
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ShadowHuayra (HemiPower)

going through 2nd while switching from 3rd to 4th is interesting, also, shifting through second again when shifting from 4th to 5th.

07/20/2016 - 00:39 |
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Christian Kwiecien

It’s basically a maze

07/20/2016 - 03:43 |
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that gear pattern is more confusing than my post-secondary plan!

07/20/2016 - 04:49 |
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I would buy and install this thing. Only the knob offcourse. Imagine the faces of people.
‘I will drive’ …. ‘uhm… you drive.’

07/20/2016 - 06:03 |
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It’s fake. I found the owner on forums back in 2007, he bought it to make fun of his friends.

07/20/2016 - 12:44 |
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07/20/2016 - 13:37 |
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