I do not have a truck engine!!

While I haven’t seen anyone say this in a while. I thought I should touch base on this.

Now a lot of people think that the Viper’s engine is derived from a truck engine, well I’m here to put that over 20 year rumor to rest. (The Viper is almost 25 years old now).

Is it based of a truck engine? Complicated answer: Still no, but there is more to it then that.

Warning: James May mode activated

While the Viper’s engine is a V10, it isn’t similar. The only thing the truck engine and the Viper engine shared is probably one bolt….

One bolt. Don’t believe me? Read it here: http://www.hotrod.com/cars/featured/how-the-viper-engine-got-its-horsepower/

And aside from that. The Viper’s engine has the camshaft in the block itself. Even the Gen V has it. Old technology, but it works. Because of this, it gives the Viper a lower center of gravity. The older ones also had an aluminum block (newer ones have an all aluminum engine).

And who helped with making the engine lighter and improving the overall design? Lamborghini.

One small tidbit (not related to the engine itself) is that the gear lever comes straight out of the gearbox. Want to know what I’m on about? Check this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6NGRDZFOP0

So there you have it. The only thing in common between both engines (originally before they probably changed it) was a bolt. And the fact that they were both V10’s.

And there you have it. I hope you found this informative and useful. And if you see another person say “it has an engine based of a truck engine” then just reference this article. (It could save you the argument, but it is totally up to you).

If you want to discuss anything or mention something (that won’t start a war) then comment below.

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My brother knows how much I love Vipers, and every time I bring one up, he calls it a truck. The engine was a V8 with 2 cylinders added on just for the Viper. The truck V10s came out a few years later.

04/28/2016 - 23:35 |
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Next time, tell him “But can a truck set 13 lap records?”

04/28/2016 - 23:40 |
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And all this came full circle, when the dodge ram srt10 came out…
A truck with a vyper engine.

04/28/2016 - 23:36 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Seriously :|

A truck with a Viper engine and people put it the other way round? #RetardAlert

04/28/2016 - 23:39 |
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Charles A🔰🚘

Idk why people talk crap about vipers

04/29/2016 - 00:51 |
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Because they’ve either never been in one or they are uninformed or misinformed.

04/29/2016 - 01:28 |
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Hey that first viper is in an absolutely stunning color!! Do you know what it is by any chance?

04/29/2016 - 01:40 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

In reply to by ThatGuy

Do you remember the color “Emerald Green”?

Well, that is exactly what that color is. The owner had a Gen 2 (I believe) and it was Emerald Green, so when the 1 of 1 program came out he jumped on the opportunity and got the color code for Emerald Green.

And that is the end result. I love that color sooooo much XD.

04/29/2016 - 01:54 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

In reply to by ThatGuy

I have more pictures if you want to see them.

04/29/2016 - 01:56 |
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That lucky b*stard. That color is gorgeous!!!

04/29/2016 - 01:55 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

In reply to by ThatGuy

Lol. Ikr!

04/29/2016 - 03:28 |
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Subhan Zafar

Doesn’t matter if its a truck engine or not.. #AllHailThePowerOfV10

04/29/2016 - 05:55 |
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I like to call it “A force of nature” XD.

04/29/2016 - 17:34 |
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I think a car with a truck (real truck not pick up) would be a pretty cool thing 😄

04/29/2016 - 06:34 |
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It would be pretty cool XD.

04/29/2016 - 17:29 |
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But it still sounds like a tractor my friend ;)

04/29/2016 - 08:02 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

In reply to by ViperTim

At low rpm I’m inclined to agree XD.

04/29/2016 - 17:30 |
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Wheel Nuts

So a Dodge Ram SRT10 has a completely different engine to a Dodge Viper?

04/29/2016 - 08:43 |
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Not quite. The Ram SRT10 had a Viper engine. But the 90’s Ram trucks didn’t.

They did have a V10 but it wasn’t related to the Viper’s engine: http://www.allpar.com/mopar/V10.html

The Ram SRT10 was a newer generation of Ram trucks compared to the past.

The older generation looked like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=1995+dodge+ram&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh_YKhr7TMAhVps4MKHTePDaMQ_AUICCgC#imgrc=4f4QiPYC70PpNM%3A

Where as the SRT10 generation looked like this: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=2005+dodge+ram&oq=2005+dodge+ram&gs_l=img.3..0l10.38289.39653.0.39872. (No that is not a SRT10).

04/29/2016 - 17:28 |
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Dat muscle guy (Sam Stone)(Camaro Squad)(Die augen leader)(E

Thank you I learned so much and I love the Viper

04/29/2016 - 09:28 |
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No problem :). I like educated and voicing my opinion. (Or fixing a rumor XD).

04/29/2016 - 17:33 |
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