1994 Mercedes Benz W124/S124 250D

The car has been in our family since it rolled out from the factory (and got imported from Germany to Sweden). Got it from my father (Mercedes enthusiast).


-everything else

Very, very comfortable and practical. Fits 7 people with the 2 extra seats in the trunk. Or 2 people and a regular bed. Or even a small boat. Very reliable, nothing has ever broken in the past 22 years.

-17” Monoblock Rims
-Decent stereo with iPod connector and speakers (Rainbow Germany DL X 4.7)
-Re-painted due to some corrosion + wear over the years
-New original front blinkers, as the old ones got matte + some cracks

-Leather electric/heated seats
-Detachable subwoofer in the trunk
-Foldable Antenna with original Antenna button
-Electric windows back
-Professionally tinted windows

-Maybe, just maybe, a swap for a bigger petrol engine (E500). It requires a bit of work, but is not impossible :)

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03/24/2016 - 11:59 |
0 | 0

Great car. If you want it to be faster just drop in 2.5TD, get pump with bigger elements and bigger turbo, intercooler.

03/25/2016 - 15:04 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It would just add +/- 20 horsepower. If I’m gonna swap the engine, I want the 500. It would add a whopping 200 HP and make a difference :)

03/25/2016 - 22:26 |
0 | 0

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