What color dark green should I paint my AE86?
These are a few options I’m thinking about:
Brooklands Green Pearl
Lime Rock Green Metallic
British Racing Green
Please let me know what you guys like and offer any suggestions below as to what color you think would be interesting (because I know someone is going to put this in the comments, I’m not painting it white panda. period. It’s boring and overdone)
Qian Li Carp F. Doom (100% Muscle) 4A-JEsus (AE86 Squad)
Brooklands Green Pearl
British Racing Green looks great too
I’d go with the British Racing Green. The other two look really good, but I doubt that the metallic, let alone pearl effect is going to look that good on the rather angular body style of the Corolla.
That’s what I’m thinking so far, but probably a bit darker so it looks almost black at night
brooklands I’d go for.
Limerock looks great imo
British Racing
British racing byt damm it looks nice..
If it would me mine i will make it takumi’s 86 😂
See, I like Takumi’s AE86, but that’s HIS AE86, not mine. I’m not trying to make an Initial D replica here ;)
BRG definitely
Brooklands! BRG would be clean but plain, and Limerock would look cool but wouldn’t suit the car, in my opinion.