What color dark green should I paint my AE86?
These are a few options I’m thinking about:
Brooklands Green Pearl
Lime Rock Green Metallic
British Racing Green
Please let me know what you guys like and offer any suggestions below as to what color you think would be interesting (because I know someone is going to put this in the comments, I’m not painting it white panda. period. It’s boring and overdone)
Limerock or BRG wins my vote.
British, definitely
Matte black
You should paint it like this, but if I had to pick one, it would be Brooklands.
The Lime Rock Green Metallic! It’s worth.
Dark green
Brooklands, or something even darker, like this
British Racing Green
I’d say British, but it’s not the same on a non-Brit car imo, so I’ll say Lime Rock. The C7 also has Laguna Blue which is downright sexy in person that I love. It has very nice color options.