First. Car. LIVE! #18: [Daewoo Espero CDXI] Rate it in the comments below.

Intro: The last one got the most votes from all of them amd i really appreciate that. Never thought people would like this series so much. Or, at least, i think y’all do. Anyway, here is a quirky one this time.


The top model Espero is powered by a 2.0L inline-4 single cam engine that outputs 105HP and 170NM. Also, it was made by General Motors.


Released in 1990, had a production time of 10 years until 2000.
It wasn’t a huge success, but it surely had a lot of character.
Its design can be traced back to, not only Giugiaro, but also Bertone. The whole body was a mix and match of inspiration from other cars, all finalized into an incredibly aerodynamic body with an aerodynamics coefficient of only 0.26.
The most noticeable feature of it are the taillights, which were inspired none other than the Nissan 240SX.
Also, it was produced from 1995 to 1999 here, in Romania, making it one of the cars i grew up seeing everyday.
Even had two limited editions, Executive and Colour Design, which made it more luxurious and more sporty respectivelly.
The Espero has become quite rare nowadays because of the few reliability flaws i had back in the day.


I would start by installing the official optional spoiler and official optional alloys.
After that i would go to a tuning shop to get the DOHC cylinder header from the 1.5L 16V engine modded onto the 2.0L 8V, since both models use similar GM engines.
Finally i would do a double exhaust system, with a proper performance intake, ported intake ports, ported valves and two sport catalysers.
Everything would be tied together with a chiptune, which will hopefully result in 200HP or more.


Since this is a very cheap car, i would generously say 2000€ at most, while most of the cost would be from the tuning shop labour. And fixing what is there to fix with performance aftermarket stuff.


I hope other cars won’t become so rare just because people don’t want to fix them and would rather just throw them away.
It feels like an insult to car history in general and an insult to the designer, especially because you had the opportunity to have a car designed by two of the greatest car designers of all time.
I personally think it would be a good first car and not just because it looks good, but for how it was made, for how complicated and controversial the development cycle was and for how rare it is nowadays.

Last Score:
7.19 Fiat Panda Novitec 4X4
Best Score:
8.38 Citroën Saxo VTS

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Skyline R32 with RocketBunny kit from NFS No Limits
Myrmeko (#CTSquad)


09/15/2019 - 21:06 |
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And no, we didn’t get this in India otherwise the above 100 bhp output would’ve compelled me to mention this to you at least one time! 😂😂😂

09/16/2019 - 13:59 |
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Before going bankrupt, Daewoo could sell only the Cielo, Nexia and Matiz. After being bought by GM, they brought the Chevrolet Optra Magnum (rebadged Daewoo Lacetti) and Chevrolet Spark (redesigned Daewoo Matiz) here.

09/16/2019 - 14:00 |
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Mr. Kei (A Random Corolla) (ZoomZoomer32) (Käfer für i

Looks kinda meh… 6.5/10 just for the cheapness and the kinda SVX-like shape

09/16/2019 - 11:21 |
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Oh yeah, it does kinda look like an SVX.

09/16/2019 - 11:30 |
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The looks aren’t the best for me but good enough for me to consider buying it suppose I had one nearby, especially because it has a power output above 100 bhp. It could be a nice alternative to the Honda City, that is a popular tuner here. The 1.5 VTEC city produced a mild 106 bhp but was still very popular for its peppy performance. I don’t know how good the driving dynamics of this Daewoo are but ThE 240sX tAiLlIgHtS aDd ThE dRiFtInG cApAbILiTy, DoN’t ThEy? My score is a solid 7/10. Could’ve been more if it wasn’t a Daewoo. Btw check out my latest post on DT. It has a Daewoo mention.

09/16/2019 - 13:57 |
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Skyline R32 with RocketBunny kit from NFS No Limits
Myrmeko (#CTSquad)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

YeS, thE 240sX tAiLLiGhTs mAkE iT DriFT wELL eVen ThO iS FWd.

Domn, so late to the international cars party, late 90’s almost.
Voted for the Cielo. 😂
But i’m surprised the Lancer is the most popular 90’s cheap compact.

09/16/2019 - 14:47 |
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Rotary Fanboy

2/10, and theres no way you get this thing over 140 150hp even with the 16v head if it would fit hahaha

09/16/2019 - 14:35 |
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Somebody is actually selling one that has 150HP on a local website. That was the inspiration for this episode.
It has 2.0L afterall, there is still a lot of potential to be exploited.

The 16v head could fit because every circle would have to be enlarged with only 9.5 mm… Well, that if they line up correctly.

09/16/2019 - 14:53 |
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Može itekako lagano preko 150, pošto je Espero baziran na prvoj generaciji Vectre koja je imala motor od 204 konja poznatiji kao C20LET koji je tjuniran od strane coswortha nevjerojatno je dobar za tjuniranje

09/20/2019 - 19:17 |
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Gabriel 7


09/16/2019 - 16:50 |
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💯/2 😂

09/16/2019 - 17:12 |
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10 out of fcking 10 words cannot describe how much i love this car

09/20/2019 - 19:17 |
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Oh, damn. Rear wheel tucked. Front wheel widebody.
That looks amazing.

09/21/2019 - 06:09 |
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i knew i saw this series somewhere.
but this thing seems fricking awesome

09/22/2019 - 23:56 |
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What would you rate it tho? From 1 to 10.

Also, where did you see this series? Is somebody else doing something similar?

09/23/2019 - 05:49 |
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