This may be inappropriate, but this car gives me a raging erection.
Nice car
Your first car ? Really good mate!
Thanks man, I feel spoilt having this for my first car but I’ve worked hard for it :)
nice car mate
gramps? is that you
haha this is gramps little brother lol
Awesome car!
Thanks man :)
There’s not much better than an STi swapped Legacy wagon.
not swapped, thats a factory thing its a jdm version called ths s402, best subie money can buy.
Not gonna lie I thought that was an undercover cop car cause of the fog lights… :’)
Who buy you the car Parts for it
I do and I also get help from family :)
Wow my jaw dropped seeing this car! IMO the 4th gen Legacy wagon is definitely one of the best looking cars Subaru has ever made. And an s402!! Daaamn. If we could have the STi versions of the Legacy in the US I would definitely have one instead of my WRX. Here, you can only get the Legacy GT and the Legacy GT spec.B
I’m from New Zealand and this car is worth every penny since I bought it. Very luxurious inside and very quick for a wagon I say lol but the best thing about it is that on a full tank it gives me 660 km range from empty not too sure what that is in mph but it is very indeed a good car. I just wish the 402 was world wide because people have no idea what they are missing out of compare to a normal stock legacy gt and gt spec.B lol
This may be inappropriate, but this car gives me a raging erection.
Nice car
Your first car ? Really good mate!
Thanks man, I feel spoilt having this for my first car but I’ve worked hard for it :)
nice car mate
gramps? is that you
haha this is gramps little brother lol
Awesome car!
Thanks man :)
There’s not much better than an STi swapped Legacy wagon.
not swapped, thats a factory thing its a jdm version called ths s402, best subie money can buy.
Not gonna lie I thought that was an undercover cop car cause of the fog lights… :’)
Who buy you the car Parts for it
I do and I also get help from family :)
Wow my jaw dropped seeing this car! IMO the 4th gen Legacy wagon is definitely one of the best looking cars Subaru has ever made. And an s402!! Daaamn. If we could have the STi versions of the Legacy in the US I would definitely have one instead of my WRX. Here, you can only get the Legacy GT and the Legacy GT spec.B
I’m from New Zealand and this car is worth every penny since I bought it. Very luxurious inside and very quick for a wagon I say lol but the best thing about it is that on a full tank it gives me 660 km range from empty not too sure what that is in mph but it is very indeed a good car. I just wish the 402 was world wide because people have no idea what they are missing out of compare to a normal stock legacy gt and gt spec.B lol