The 90's and American V8s - Not a bad thing!

"Oh no", the clever and witty salesman says, "this thing has a V8."

Take a second. Turn off that newfangled cassette player. Slow down. Listen. The fact that this thing has an Infinity stereo hasn’t sold you. The comfort was nice, but it wasn’t what you really looked for. Stop. Put it in neutral or park. Give it a little gas. Wait- did you hear that!?!? That’s not a 4 cylinder! You look at the salesperson in absolute confusion. The Cimmaron you’re trading in is it for you. There can’t be anything better. You were used to the drone of lethargic 4 cylinder. “Oh no”, the clever and witty salesman says, “this thing has a V8.”

Power. Patriotism. Loud noises.

And that’s how it began. It was the 90’s! Sure, the V8 existed in the 80’s but no. Not like this. America was back! You could damn well buy yourself a 5.9 liter pickup truck or a V8 sedan again. Power. Patriotism. Loud noises.

Cars had their soul again. In a world once strapped with emission laws that killed the muscle car craze of the late 60’s and early 70’s, America had their cars back. Engineers found out how to to make the V8 engine compact, powerful, practical, and fun again. They even tossed durability in there too. No, they weren’t exactly powerful as most were detuned for reliability. Most had absolutely pathetic power outputs. But the noise. Dear god the noise. The motor’s high outputs of torque always made it feel faster too, as you could really take off and roast tires from a stand still!

America had their cars back.

In today’s world, a world ravaged by eco-this and environmentally friendly that, people are turning to these cars. Cars they once looked down upon for having low power outputs while they continued to ride the Euro/Japanese bandwagon. But the realization came slowly, and it’s still coming to some people. These engines are freakin awesome! They have so much possibility and a wide realm of performance parts available to them. You can do so many things with them.

To the people that own and appreciate cars like this? Thank you. Thank you for keeping the V8 pride alive. Thank you for being a gearhead/petrolhead’s last stand. To the people who preach hate against these engines, do some research. Its not hard to boost horsepower and still have them run for over 400,000 miles. Thanks for the read, guys. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions/comments/criticism.

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Good ol’ 350

02/08/2016 - 16:24 |
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I have a 95 mustang 5.0, terrible HP but it sounds amazing and is a fun car

02/08/2016 - 17:18 |
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V8’s yes.. There are many that are great engines, high HP, and could run a very long time..
American V8’s they are hit and miss..
The low HP ones tend to last forever..
High HP american V8’s tend to die young lives..
They aren’t built well..

Said the guy who owns one..

02/08/2016 - 18:30 |
0 | 0

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