Anyone else think that Hyundai constantly copies other car companies like Mercedes, BMW, and Lexus? Do you guys know of any other companies that do this?

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Jonathan Sunderland

Audi copies… Audi. lol ;-)

08/14/2015 - 02:19 |
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XD, and Ten Porsches later…

08/14/2015 - 02:22 |
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No kidding, many ‘underdog’ companies, like KIA/Hyundai try to gain sales by offering a car that looks very similar to a high-end competitor, while offering them for a very economic price

08/14/2015 - 02:25 |
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Kia is making good cars in my opinion didn’t see any similarities to high priced cars…
Can you show pics of cars where you think this is the case?

08/14/2015 - 09:39 |
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Hmmm, doesn’t this look oddly similar to the Lexus badge? However, it is an alternate KIA badge.

08/14/2015 - 02:27 |
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You kids should know the OG LS400 was a publicly-acknowleged S-class copy from top to bottom.

08/14/2015 - 03:46 |
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Lexus copied Mercedes a LOT. First gen IS200 and the early 2000s C Class were very similar, LS and S Class in more than one generation, and GS and E Class were very similar as well

08/14/2015 - 03:47 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Idiotic comment, as the IS200 not only came out before the W203, it was final by 1996! The “early 2000s C Class” was internal information of Daimler-Benz between December 1995 and early 1998. This photo is from November 1996, of an XE10 prototype months after the 1996 design freeze taken by Toyota.

There’s no way that Toyota knew what the W203 C-Class looked like back in 1995-96. Mercedes-Benz didn’t finalise the W203 until 1997.

The 1990 LS400 was designed to copy the more modern design of the W124 and BMW E32, than that of the W126 S-Class. By chance, it ended up similar to the W140, which was being developed parallel. The LS430 design was a step backward and (pathetic) blatant copy of the C140 coupe, not so much the W140 saloon. C140 was a Tokyo favourite in the 90s, hence the influence. The 1998 LS “copied” the W140 saloon, the LS430 the C140 coupe.

The 1998 Lexus GS was already designed by 1995 to be ready for late 1997, so what did it copy then? It did not look like an E-Class. It is nothing but your uninformed bias, allowing you wrongly assume that all of those Lexus products were not original. The only credibility you have is with the LS400 and LS430’s derivative tendencies.I don’t know why some of you can be so ignorant and forget the aspect of timelines, in how development takes years.

03/09/2016 - 11:13 |
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Daewoo copied by everything

08/14/2015 - 03:54 |
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my mother thought the new genesis is an aston martin

08/14/2015 - 03:56 |
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In reply to by Lajcsi

Only thing that i hate about Genesis is that badge. I think it is quite fine looking car, tho i won’t buy it

08/14/2015 - 09:39 |
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Every Chinese car company haha

08/14/2015 - 04:04 |
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chineese companies

08/14/2015 - 08:01 |
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I don’t agree hyundai is copying.

08/14/2015 - 10:50 |
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Hmm, no?

08/14/2015 - 10:52 |
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