Boring Boring Racing Sims

From what I can tell scrolling through the gaming community on CarThrottle is that we’re all boring. You’re probably thinking I’m being a bit cheeky here but hear me out. Or go look for yourself. Post after post regarding builds, videos and showing off your cars from racing sims. Forza, Real Racing, Project Cars, Gran Turismo. But I suppose it can’t be helped. Load up Steam, your XBOX store or the Playstation store and you’re met with the same level of dullness. Racings sims featuring the same boring tracks with the same cars.

Don’t get me wrong. I too have enjoyed a good racing sim for a good long time. Nothing beats putting down lap times in some of the fastest cars on the planet, or loading up Fujimi Kaido and seeing how fast you can make it down while going as sideways as possible. But do we really need 15 bajillion racing simulators?

Not really.

Which brings me to this

You’re looking at this thinking I’m going to get nostalgic over some PSOne classic. Don’t be fooled. This little gem caught my eye on the Steam Greenlight and is probably the most exciting car game I’ve seen for a while. Brown-ness and low-res graphics aside this game dares to be different. Giving you control of a small communist made jalopy you set off into the world of capitalism. Across various terrains, through different kinds of weather, and while your little car is trying its hardest to break down. You need to keep the car running. From tyres, to carburetor, to making sure you have enough fuel in the tank. But you can’t carry too many spare parts because the trunk just isn’t big enough. All these various mechanics put into a procedurally generated world which makes it different every time you play makes for an interesting time.

Is it not about time we started making fun car games again?

Dare to be different I say.

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.... 3

Real Racing a Sim? Forza? GT? Project CARS?! LOL. Those aren’t sims. iRacing, Assetto Corsa, rFactor2, etc. are sims. Not to try to sell iRacing to you, but there is no other game that you can have 42 lead changes in 50 laps between 19 different cars, not to mention with all real people. I’m sorry, but I disagree.

02/16/2016 - 20:20 |
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Facu Agus

In reply to by .... 3

Race 07, Assetto Corsa, rfactor, iRacing, DiRT Rally, Richard Burns Rally are sims

02/16/2016 - 20:32 |
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In reply to by .... 3

Calm down now. Not everyone likes those sims.

02/16/2016 - 23:02 |
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In reply to by .... 3

Forza markets their motorsport games as sim games, and they’re pretty damn accurate. The racing is also pretty good, save for the 8 year olds who feel the need to hit every car in sight

02/16/2016 - 23:43 |
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Project CARS is definitely a sim.

02/17/2016 - 11:51 |
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Nissan 420sx

The mastercheat in the game “jalopy” gives you infinity duct tape?
Btw these games aren’t boring imo

02/16/2016 - 20:21 |
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Thomas 1

What game is the top screenshot from?

02/16/2016 - 20:31 |
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The crew

02/16/2016 - 20:42 |
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Hey,i disagree in the fact that the actual racing sims are boring,but i think that they need to rethink they ideas about nice grafics and sound quality,yes,we want a realistic game but this realistic game can be fun

02/16/2016 - 20:38 |
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I’m not saying lapping a track in a fast car is no fun but I agree that it’s time for something different besides forza horizon there hasn’t been a good open world car game in a long time sometimes you just want to cruise the streets in a car you probably won’t ever own in real life

02/16/2016 - 20:46 |
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Alex Ramos

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

What if horizon 3 took place in japan, the entire main island

02/16/2016 - 21:58 |
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i think they should add a team someone who say “there is schumacher behind you take a wide apex and full throttle” , lets say for example you need to start your racing career from go karting to unlock all the licenses (rally, F1, etc..) and tey need to ad the ability to actually heat up your tires, and do wheelies. and add a tuning in real life, because the spring stiffness in forza doesnt make any sense. and they need to add the ability that the bodykit you add provides downforce and stuff. and the pits, gas mileage need to work! and the way you can actually tune your car when at the pit stop, not by just pausing it.

02/16/2016 - 20:47 |
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The Crew is a prime example of a boring, empty and soulless game. The new NFS is stale af too and has a horrible driving model for an arcade game (at least on consoles, hopefully 60fps and no lag spikes help with the numbness).

I’ve been rotating Project CARS and DIRT Rally, in my opinion they have a good balance of sim and arcade. Neither has much content, but that’s why I play them only a few times a week.

02/16/2016 - 20:54 |
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I do agree that the racing game community as a whole needs to bring out some completely new stuff

02/16/2016 - 20:58 |
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Omg where has jalopy been al my life, I will definatly buy that when it comes out :)

02/16/2016 - 21:06 |
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Joseph Klauman

I’ve liked all those games but do any of you remeber Blur? The playground studios old project before FH and FH2 it was called bizzare creations I would love for another Blur but customization like NFS and/or FH and graphics of acarade sim real cars but with Mario kart like power ups! If you don’t know or remeber what I’m talking about just look up Blur on YouTube

02/16/2016 - 21:10 |
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