Car Enthusiast or Petrol Head

Let me put this out there right away , I’m not writing this to cause offence or upset anyone

So Why the definition?

I guess it’s because you will find yourself falling into one of these two categories , most people will “think” they are a petrolhead if you have more than a passing interest in motor vehicles , but I think it runs deeper than that.

How deep it runs depends on which of the definitions fits you.

The car Enthusiasts will get very very excited about the latest super car , will spend hours watching “drivebys and tunnel run videos” (in fact I saw a Video of supercars leaving the Petrol station 5 Minutes from the Nurburgring the other day – that I just don’t get) Sunday will be spent washing a car within an inch of their lives or Detailing , They will definitely have a pre disposition to a certain brand – they will most certainly post on forums and facebook pages with sentences that start with “had a play with”.

Petrolheads are a different species all together – Sundays will be spent in the garage/on the drive/in the garden/ building – and I don’t mean an oil change or swapping some brake pads,(The trained monkeys in ATS/Kwik Fit can do that) I mean genuinely building, stripping engines out , removing gearboxes. When looking for a new part they will take to the forums read what everyone else thinks, then go and find something better for half the price. The definition of built not bought.

If it came to a decision to go to an indoor car show to see the shiny pretty things or a wet Oulton park to watch some club racing then you can guess who would be at what.

Hammond and May are Petrolheads , Clarkson a huge enthusiast.

Now I will hear the screams, “not everyone knows how to fix cars”, but everyone can learn , there are people that love cars, and there are people that live them. I think that’s the difference. I’m not saying one group is better than the other, we are one – but we are not the same.

There will be some that tread the line picking from one part or another - But there will be others who are definitively one or the other - The type of person that it doesn’t matter what make , brand , model , if it has 4 wheels 2 wheels or a hull as long as its powered by an internal combustion engine of sorts will be interested.
Its over to you , what are your thoughts?

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11/24/2015 - 13:18 |
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David Suonvieri

It´s nice to see that someone finally sorted this out. I totally agree, Btw i fit more into the car enthusiast category.

11/24/2015 - 14:46 |
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Fad Hill

I definitely agree. Right now I’m just an enthusiast.

11/24/2015 - 15:07 |
0 | 0

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