Check out this sat-nav app that gives driving directions in the style of a rally co-pilot!
We’ve just launched Rally SatNav!
Rally SatNav is a turn-by-turn satnav that will call out all corners, chicanes and hairpins in the style of a rally co-pilot. Simply enter your destination, confirm the route and drive. Rally SatNav is designed for tight country roads and uses the angle system, the most commonly used pacenote system in amateur rallying.
Download it from the Google Play Store Now!
I hope you love it!
It just for the UK?
It’s Worldwide.
It’s worldwide!
not for iOS, is it?
It’s Android only for the next few weeks.
Mayby a free tryout version for a couple days
When are you expecting to hit the app store?
It should be on the android play store now. Does the link not work?
If that banner is actually always there like that in the app, please change that. It looks dumb (opinion) and it’s a distracting waste of valuable screen space (fact.)
Also, does it work in landscape mode? If it does, I’ll seriously consider buying this. Even if it’s just to crack into it and poke around.
It works in landscape and the banner disappears in landscape. You can have the app banner free if you want.
Which language? Only english?
At the moment it’s English only. If the launch goes well then I’ll have it translated into other languages. Which languages do you want?
is there also a free version?
Nope unfortunately there isn’t
Will there come other pacenotesystems?
Maybe, but not for a while. The other big pacenote systems are based around speed and gears. There are legal issues with telling people to take a corner “Fast Left”. The gear system would mean that I’d have to make pacenote versions for 4, 5 and 6 speed cars which triples the debugging and testing workload. So maybe when Rally SatNav is big I’ll have the resources to make a gear based system. For now the Angle system is the simplest, and in my opinion the best.
Any chance of cooperation with some Polish rally driver to give us the Polish language pack?
Yes, if you know any polish rally drivers!
If the launch goes well then I’ll get it translated into different languages.