Cockpit view vs 3rd person view.

We all played at least one video game that featured racing,but in the world we live in,we see it in different perspectives,even in games.Here are the 2 most popular camera angles along with their advantages.

Cockpit view

In this view,it places you on the driver’s seat of the car you’re driving virtually.This camera angle/perspective may help in making those strong feelings,creating faster solutions when it comes to this view.You can also see what’s happening on front of your car,faster than being on 3rd person view.

3rd person view

In this perspective,your camera is placed a few meters away from your car.In this view,you can prevent accidents more often than being in cockpit view,it helps you see what’s happening on your blind spot.Is he coming for my booty?No?Great!

My conclusion

In cockpit view,you’ll be able to react quickly due to the feeling while in 3rd person perspective,tou’ll be able to prevent accidents very often so…I’ve decided.

Personally,I’d recommend the 3rd person perspective but,it all goes down to personal preference.What’s your side?cockpit or 3rd person?Why?

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Cockpit it helps me feel like i might actually know what im doing

02/22/2016 - 12:55 |
11 | 0

3rd person view helps with overall feel of the car dimension, but let’s be honest - you can’t turn on 3rd person view in real life. As a purist, I recommend first person view.

02/22/2016 - 12:58 |
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Dexter 1

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Definitely agree

02/22/2016 - 16:01 |
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Marchel Kindangen

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The truth has be spoken

02/24/2016 - 06:47 |
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Marco 6

Cockpit,because I see the steering wheel and I can turn precicely

02/22/2016 - 12:58 |
6 | 0

I actually prefer hood view. Most racing games show too much cockpit and not enough windshield. Drive Club is probably the only game I know that has a “dash cam” sort of view and I love it (if only the game itself were as revolutionary)

02/22/2016 - 12:59 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Some rally games have that too.

02/22/2016 - 14:05 |
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Fad Hill

3rd person. If I had a wheel I’d use Cockpit View.

02/22/2016 - 13:00 |
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On hood cam instead of cockpit.

02/22/2016 - 13:00 |
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Carlos Matas

In cockpit view you cant really feel the lateral forces meanwhile in 3rd view its easy to predict when your tyres will start spinning.
Bcause of that i always stick to 3rd person

02/22/2016 - 13:02 |
8 | 2

Thats a point i always try to bring up to my friends. If you are driving in real life you notice this forces through your seat and butt.

02/22/2016 - 14:13 |
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I prefer cockpit view , but I usually switch back and forth just because

02/22/2016 - 13:02 |
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It is harder to race in 1st person in a videogame- that is a fact, but when I play FH2 I mostly use 1st person when I cruise, drag, drift, or do anything in freeroam, when there is no goal and I want to hone my skills. But in races that are needed for money/story advancing purposes, I use 3rd person. All the time.

02/22/2016 - 13:06 |
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The Prius Of Brands Hatch


02/22/2016 - 13:07 |
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