GTA Competitive Racing (This is GTA Racing) No Catch Up. No Slipstream. No crashing. If you guys are ever interested in doing any serious racing in GTA 5 watch this. Full Post in Comment Section.
GTA Competitive Racing (This is GTA Racing) No Catch Up. No Slipstream. No Crashing
If you guys are ever interested in doing any real racing in GTA 5 similar to that in Motorsports, I will tell you, it is possible!
As you can simply see from the video above, some of the racing battles in this game are very intense as people will usually use the same cars. It all comes down to technique and racing lines!
In terms of organization, if you join Sweat Buckets [YEAH] (GUN1T123’s crew) or Nonchalant Dominance [NoDo] (Broughy1322’s crew), you can see that all these races are very well organized. These 2 guys and the crew members usually run endurance races in GTA 5 which can last 30mins to 1.5 hours. These races are organized well before the event and preparation involves starting grids, set vehicles and other rules.
The main thing about these racing crews, Sweat Buckets [YEAH], Nonchalant Dominance [NODO] and Apex Predators [APEX] is that they race with rules that would normally apply in regular Motorsport. Things like the blue flag, safety cars, starting grid, formation laps and even pit stops can all be incorporated. These guys race with respect, meaning no intentional crashing of another player or using weapons to disrupt a person’s race.
Now you guys may think these guys are taking it a little too seriously for a game like GTA 5, but the best thing about GTA Racing is the unlimited track variation. As they define it, it is like minecraft, a sandbox for tracks.
These guys constantly make tracks that test everything you can find in real life Motorsport and more! No ramps or random obstacles but instead a nice city racing with appropriately placed barriers making it feel with like an actual Motorsport track.
So as you can see, serious racing can be organized as these guys have shown. If you guys are ever interested, just join their crews NoDo crews for PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 1, Xbox 360 can be found on the NoDo forum (
If you guys are interested, you can join my crew, “Always Evolving PR” created and led by ‘thatguy11m’ (me). Always Evolving comes from the racing crew of Paul Walker and Roger Rodas and currently race in Indy500 Championships and Pirelli World Challenge. I mostly play on PS4 but there is a lot of room for people from other consoles to meet up and join others in similar consoles. Here’s the link for the crew:
I became very interested in this when I saw it on GUN1Ts channel however I could never find anyone to race with :( Too bad I don’t really play anymore
Dang. Pretty good idea.
It’s not just an idea, it’s been happening for more than a year!
I had fun a while back doing impromptu street races with like minded car guys in multiplayer. It was very fun!
Impromptu Street Races and street races in general are far far different from Organized racing. This is Motorsport, with optimal lines with no traffic.
Staff Members! If you ever see this, can you please let me post this as a full post?!
sounds cool! i’ve always wanted to be part of a proper race in gta. but is there a chance you could post links to their social club feeds? there are tons of apex predator crews and the same goes to sweat buckets..
You can check the description or the home page on GUN1T123’s and Broughy1322’s channel. As for APEX Predators, you can google them (Apex Predators GTA V Racing) and find their official website. It’s kind if a very complicated process to join their crew and it’s currently full but you can always join their community and add people to play with.
I would realy like yo try race with you guys, what shuold i do
Try to join the major racing crews. Links are found in the YouTuber’s description. I’m aware Sweat Buckets is full, try Nonchalant Dominance, Broughy1322s crew.
Wow this is pretty sick!
The Sweat Buckets crew is full :’(
Try Nonchalant Dominance, Broughy1322s crew, he has crews for specific consoles.
Are those E30 M3s I can see on the thumbnail?
Nah,those are AE86’s
They are Karin Futos
I’d love to have a proper no-nonsense race like that, I hate annoying people who just bash the crap out of you
GTA Competitive Racing (This is GTA Racing)
No Catch Up. No Slipstream. No Crashing
If you guys are ever interested in doing any real racing in GTA 5 similar to that in Motorsports, I will tell you, it is possible!
As you can simply see from the video above, some of the racing battles in this game are very intense as people will usually use the same cars. It all comes down to technique and racing lines!
In terms of organization, if you join Sweat Buckets [YEAH] (GUN1T123’s crew) or Nonchalant Dominance [NoDo] (Broughy1322’s crew), you can see that all these races are very well organized. These 2 guys and the crew members usually run endurance races in GTA 5 which can last 30mins to 1.5 hours. These races are organized well before the event and preparation involves starting grids, set vehicles and other rules.
The main thing about these racing crews, Sweat Buckets [YEAH], Nonchalant Dominance [NODO] and Apex Predators [APEX] is that they race with rules that would normally apply in regular Motorsport. Things like the blue flag, safety cars, starting grid, formation laps and even pit stops can all be incorporated. These guys race with respect, meaning no intentional crashing of another player or using weapons to disrupt a person’s race.
Now you guys may think these guys are taking it a little too seriously for a game like GTA 5, but the best thing about GTA Racing is the unlimited track variation. As they define it, it is like minecraft, a sandbox for tracks.
These guys constantly make tracks that test everything you can find in real life Motorsport and more! No ramps or random obstacles but instead a nice city racing with appropriately placed barriers making it feel with like an actual Motorsport track.
Here are some of the different types of races and championships that have been hosted:
Multi-Class Endurance Championship
F1 Endurance Championships
So as you can see, serious racing can be organized as these guys have shown. If you guys are ever interested, just join their crews
NoDo crews for PS3, PS4, PC, Xbox 1, Xbox 360 can be found on the NoDo forum (
If you guys are interested, you can join my crew, “Always Evolving PR” created and led by ‘thatguy11m’ (me). Always Evolving comes from the racing crew of Paul Walker and Roger Rodas and currently race in Indy500 Championships and Pirelli World Challenge. I mostly play on PS4 but there is a lot of room for people from other consoles to meet up and join others in similar consoles.
Here’s the link for the crew:
I became very interested in this when I saw it on GUN1Ts channel however I could never find anyone to race with :( Too bad I don’t really play anymore
Dang. Pretty good idea.
It’s not just an idea, it’s been happening for more than a year!
I had fun a while back doing impromptu street races with like minded car guys in multiplayer. It was very fun!
Impromptu Street Races and street races in general are far far different from Organized racing. This is Motorsport, with optimal lines with no traffic.
Staff Members! If you ever see this, can you please let me post this as a full post?!
sounds cool! i’ve always wanted to be part of a proper race in gta. but is there a chance you could post links to their social club feeds? there are tons of apex predator crews and the same goes to sweat buckets..
You can check the description or the home page on GUN1T123’s and Broughy1322’s channel. As for APEX Predators, you can google them (Apex Predators GTA V Racing) and find their official website. It’s kind if a very complicated process to join their crew and it’s currently full but you can always join their community and add people to play with.
I would realy like yo try race with you guys, what shuold i do
Try to join the major racing crews. Links are found in the YouTuber’s description. I’m aware Sweat Buckets is full, try Nonchalant Dominance, Broughy1322s crew.
Wow this is pretty sick!
The Sweat Buckets crew is full :’(
Try Nonchalant Dominance, Broughy1322s crew, he has crews for specific consoles.
Are those E30 M3s I can see on the thumbnail?
Nah,those are AE86’s
They are Karin Futos
I’d love to have a proper no-nonsense race like that, I hate annoying people who just bash the crap out of you