Mazda RX8 192ps Review

‘For £2000, you can have a 10 year old, 4 seater sports car with 200 horsepower, why doesn’t everyone have one?!’

Now, as car guys/gals, we know its not going to be like that. I bought my RX8 knowing its going to be a bit of a pain, but at the same time I’ve always wanted one.

So, with a secondary car for car journeys, I bought one, 2 miles away from my house, with 40,000 miles on the clock.

You all know about the rotary engine, how it works, and how it’ll blow up in your face after 70,000 miles. I know, I’ve been reading about it for a few weeks now, and I’m bored of it too. But what i can say about the engine is just how smooth it is to drive, far smoother than anything I’ve driven before. Its quick, and handles far better than my old E36 compact.

But I’m here to explain some things you might not know, and what rumours on the internet differ to reality.

Number 1. This car isn’t as bad on oil as you think.
Its a rotary, when you buy it you must expect that this car is an oil burner, but the thing is, its not that bad, its not “more expensive on oil than petrol” (that would be ridiculous at 23mpg). Mine burns oil at about 1 litre per 1000 miles.

Number 2. Engine rebuilds aren’t a huge issue.
Oh no! What if the engine dies which renders the car useless after 70,000 miles? Well, if you live in a fairly RX8 popular country, there’s lots of specialists that will undergo engine rebuilds. Also, as the rotary engine consists of one moving part, so a rebuild is cheaper than a piston engine (around £1000).

Number 3. It’s a 1.3, ill be able to insure that when I’m 17!
No you won’t.
The girl who inspired me to get mine now dailies her (she just turned 17) and said she gets her insurance for a few hundred pounds more than a 1.3 Fiesta. I’m not saying its not impossible to get it cheap, but it will be very hard. I’ve heard rumours of LV and Admiral Multicar to have the best deals. Apparently the car is classed in the DVLA as a 2600cc (double what Mazda says).

So, other than that, this car has a stunning interior, for the age and price - both when it was new and today - it handles superbly, it looks amazing, and it delivers my brapping needs.

Its not a car for everyone, but at the moment, its brilliant.

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