My first car, an Alfa Romeo

Background story

first of all I would like to start with a side note: This blog isn’t based on proved facts, it is written from my personal experience of driving and owning different alfa’s for a few years. English isn’t my native language so there can and will be some mistakes in this blog since it is my first Blog her on CT!

Like Jeremy Clarkson said: Every Petrolhead should have owned a Alfa romeo at one point in his life. That is why i would like to share my Experiences so far with Alfa romeo i had for the past 2 years with you.

Alfa Romeo Mito

My first Alfa i’ve driven was a Alfa romeo Mito QV , it was my dad’s car wich produced around 180 BHP (ECU tuned). It was a pretty quick little car, Cornering wasn’t that great but, hey i just got my driver license. i’ve driven that car for a year now and i have to say i really like the DNA system. With a modified ECU the DNA system works perfect. When set on Dynamic the car feels like it really really wants to race other cars, the gas pedal response is very agressive which is quite nice actually.

But ofcourse an Alfa wouldn’t be an Alfa if there wasn’t something that would cause a failure. Well that is exactly what happend to the Mito, it gave strange noises in first and second gear, after a few months 3rd and 4th gear were next. So the whole gearbox had to be revised.

after all the Mito caused me to buy my first car, and ofcourse it had to be an Alfa romeo.

Alfa Romeo GTV V6 TB

It was quite a long search. I wanted a GTV V6 TB. Those are hard to find with a Low KM’s and in good condition. After a while i found one which was all stock and was used as a “weekend car”, it was just a clean and fresh car.

I’ve got the car for like a year now and it is great in every way. Haven’t had any trouble you would expect from an Alfa romeo, so i could say i’m pretty lucky aswell. Since i have the car i started some small modifications. I’m still a student so it is a slow proces because i don’t want to save money on maintance which is more important then different modifications!
Things I changed:
Raggazon centre pipe
Forge Dumpvalve
Novitec Airfilter

middle console repainted matt black
Roof lining (typical GTV fase 1 problem)
Pioneer radio + speakers

Future plans:
ECU tuning
Different wheels+tires
Different coilovers

I will be updating if i make any significal changes to my car for who is interested. any suggestions and or tips are always nice to hear!

Here are some more pictures of my GTV V6 TB.

Busso V6 TB

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01/24/2016 - 15:01 |
4 | 0

In reply to by Vesko

She is a timeless beauty

01/24/2016 - 15:02 |
3 | 0

Beautiful car!

01/24/2016 - 15:51 |
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Great car! Did you know it was ment to become an Audi? They didn’t like the model because, well you know, they aren’t very spacious in side. My first car was an Alfa Romeo as well, a 75.

01/24/2016 - 16:29 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes I did know that ! Ohh that’s really nice. fun to drive those 75’s

01/24/2016 - 16:31 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I see you didn’t buy it in Holland. If you search well I think you can find some here as well, but you are right, Nice one’s are hard to find

01/24/2016 - 16:34 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

O and by the way, they where made 2 liter turbo because in Italy they wanted to drive the all mighty busso, but if you are above 2 l. the taxes get very high.

01/24/2016 - 16:36 |
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Nice to see a little love for Alfa Romeo on this site
Looks really great! They are really hard to find in good conditions
Here is mine at the arese museum in some good company
It only a 2.0ts but still fun

01/24/2016 - 16:45 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Looks really good man ! You have any future plans for her ?

01/24/2016 - 16:48 |
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No.1 Car Guy

Nice car, lovely exhaust note too

01/24/2016 - 16:50 |
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Cory Brayshaw

I also have an alfa, t spark not a v6 though :(

01/24/2016 - 17:02 |
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Dutch people in cool cars always make me happy. Mooie auto man 👌

01/24/2016 - 18:56 |
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Yeah thanks man , jij ook toffe mx5 !

01/24/2016 - 21:11 |
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Niels BMW🍀Alfa Romeo

Hij zal je niet teleurstellen!!! De eerste Alfa waar ik een reed was een op gesoepte 147 gta met 340 pk…..tering wat een ding die v6….echt geweldig!!! Mijn eerste auto is ook een Alfa en zelf niet de laatste!!! Veel plezier met je alfa Romeo!!!!

01/24/2016 - 22:04 |
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Zo wat ben ik benieuwd naar die gta! Misschien nog ergens fotootjes rond zweven?

01/24/2016 - 22:13 |
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