My Top 7 Car Films of all Time (Excluding Fast & Furious)
There are a lot of films out there to do with cars or related to cars, here is a pick of 7 of my favourites ( I’m excluding F&F because there are so many of them, they will be all over the list).
1. Rush
2. Need for Speed
3. Senna
4. Bullitt
5. The Italian Job (1969)
6. Cars
7. Herbie: Fully Loaded
Well, that’s it for my list (I’ve probably forgotten 1 or 2), as I aid this is my personal list so if you have any great car films you love to watch, drop it into the comments below. Thanks for looking.
What about ‘’Gone in 60 seconds’’?
Uh where’s vanishing point
A cannonball run race through norway.
Another good movie is Days of thunder, altho it is very similar to Top Gun but with cars. Tom cruise is a good driver, something happends, he starts to doubt himself. But in the end he overcomes it and he’s a hero.
uhm!!! people forgot about these car movies
y u no Wangan Midnight?
I watched Cars over 40 times !!!!
Duel, 1971
Adrenalin is awesome as well
I totally agree that Cars belongs on the list. I think I saw it first time when I was about 7 or 8 years old. The scene where Doc (The 1951 Hudson Hornet) goes out for a spin on his old set of rally tires gives me goosebumbs and a smile every time, even today. All them feels in a kids movie. Damn <3
All time best car movie Vanishing Point is missing :( It’s so amazing!