No hate to all the stance guys on here but what's the point of "Form over function" cars? i always thought that if the car can't function properly the form is useless. Could someone drop me an explanation kindly please?

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the amount of stupid in one video has exceeded it’s limit, he basically goes through all of that to do retarded donuts LOL.

01/02/2015 - 22:29 |
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…and that’s why you buy airbags.

01/03/2015 - 01:04 |
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I personally think beauty comes from simplicity of design, or in other words, when function>form. When I see a car, I can see how it will perform judging by the stance it has.. And with stanced cars I essentially see like dead cars

01/02/2015 - 22:18 |
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same here to that

01/02/2015 - 22:28 |
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Lando Pedalmasher

I personally am not a fan of slammed cars, and agree entirely with your point. However as Jeremy Clarkson said, cars can be art. And as art doesn’t have to be functional, one could say that slammed cars are an art form. Therefore their inherent flaws (poor handling/scraping) may be a bearable compromise, for what they consider to be beauty. Just sayin’.

01/02/2015 - 22:20 |
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well true since art is useless that makes the purpose of stanced cars to be useless. Your explanation helped me to realize the truth, thanks man.

01/02/2015 - 22:28 |
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I like the look of them, but I would never ever do it to my own car. Many people like the look of them.

01/02/2015 - 22:24 |
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I agree, I like them, but I wouldn’t want my car like that and kudos to them for doing what they like.

01/02/2015 - 22:29 |
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Liu Leo

I guess sranced and slammed car supposed to be a static monument serving the same purpose as a sculpture or statue…

01/02/2015 - 22:45 |
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Daniel 2

Some people wants to build performance cars, others want to build show cars.

But then there is also Form + Function. Where the two things meet.

01/02/2015 - 23:38 |
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Well if that person is rich enough to have a show car just for organised events or some weekend meets then that’s fine by me. But if you slam your daily then there’s something seriously wrong with you. I personaly don’t have enough money for a daily + show car combo so I try to make my daily to look as good as possible but for it to still remain functional. No matter what the car in question I’d allways try to clean up the lines, debadge it, put some nice rims, a modest drop and for me that would be a perfect mix of form and function unless we’re talking race car stance/mods

01/03/2015 - 00:32 |
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