For the Porsche Lovers, RWB or Singer?

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I really like the rwb style but I have to go with singer on this one.

08/12/2015 - 23:00 |
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Singer, no doubt.

08/12/2015 - 23:01 |
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Jonathan Sunderland

Singer. Both are Porsche 911’s though so they are both good. ;-)

08/12/2015 - 23:34 |
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OgierJr (Ford Powered) (Hoof-Hearted)

RAUH-Welt. no brainer, it’s a JDM 911.

08/12/2015 - 23:57 |
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Oh god, jdm 911. Ack! Like making a muscle car jdm.

08/13/2015 - 03:40 |
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Whats a singer? *runs and hides for safety

08/13/2015 - 00:05 |
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its a tuning company
like Eagle

08/13/2015 - 02:43 |
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The AE86 of Mt. Akina (86 Squad)


08/13/2015 - 00:06 |
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Fad Hill

RWB, recently I’ve become obsessed with RWB Porsches despite liking clean cars. I’d like Nakai-san to do the body of my Porsche if I’ll ever get one.

08/13/2015 - 00:16 |
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RWB all the way.

08/13/2015 - 00:40 |
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Love them both, but for me, a Singer!

08/13/2015 - 00:44 |
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Andrés Cely Herazo

I really love both styles. I think that each is for a different mood.

08/13/2015 - 01:21 |
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