Those Wacky Saab 96 Brakes

A photo from when I went to rebuild a leaking caliper on on my Saab 96. The whole caliper rests on a hinge pin and rotates in relation to the brake disc. When the pads are new the braking surface is slanted. As they wear down they flatten out.

These were made by Lockheed, and I believe only ever used on the Saabs and the Austin America.

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01/19/2016 - 21:14 |
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Albin Nygren

But why? Seems like regular drums would have been cheaper and less complicated… Did these at least stop the car better?

01/19/2016 - 21:39 |
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I’ve never driven the drum brake models, so I don’t know. I’m not sure what the point was, maybe to take advantage of leverage, or provide some sort of self-energizing effect.

01/19/2016 - 22:34 |
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Are these weirder than the front wheel handbrake on 99’s and 900’s? I’ve never driven a drum-disked 96, my dad had a couple of V4’s though and they brake pretty decent for a 40+ year old car.

01/19/2016 - 22:21 |
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