Water/methanol injection. Works by cooling the air/fuel mixture, in turn allowing for higher compression/more boost and therefore more powerrr. But does anyone use it? Would it allow the use of weaker pistons due to the cooling effect it has?

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I like it, I know people who have this reliably. Plan on doing it to one of my cars soon.

04/26/2015 - 00:02 |
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V-Tech and EcoBoost kicked in yo

People use it with nitrous, supercharging, and turbo. Watermeth cools the intake charge dramatically due to the latent properties of H20, but the real magic happens during combustion.

Here, the meth burns at a super low temp, providing energy to push the piston but not start nuclear fusion. In addition, water, since it does not burn, acts as a HUGE octane booster, raising the octane of 93 pump gas (with a good mixture of 50/50 watermeth) up to 116 (yes, in case you are wondering that is C-16 race gas octane levels).

The water also steam cleans the valves and pistons and removes gunk from the moving bits, helping with efficiency and power. But it also lowers the combustions temperatures by absorbing the high heat from combustion (lets say form nitrous or boost with relatively lean mixture) because this water turns to steam and pushes the piston with a steam engine like effect.


This is really great because without the water, the combustion would have happened rapidly, leading to high temperatures and broken parts as this type “flash-bustion” as I like to call it is sudden, strenuous, and does not efficiently provide power. The best performance is when the combustion happens slowly and steadily, giving a pressing force to the piston rather than a punch. With watermeth injection this happens as the water absorbs high temperatures and turns to steam. Water expands 1000x when it changes from liquid to gas, so this pushes the piston. In addition, the gasoline ignition is slowed down and made into the ideal “push” situation.

I personally think that water meth is better than race fuel because it allows for pump gas power and is cheap. Also pump gas has more energy per litre than e85. However, to each their own. Feel free to ask any questions :D

Source: Buddy has watermeth we installed together in his “catfish” Camaro and he like to run boost with 10.5:1 compression. On pump gas LOL.

04/27/2015 - 00:07 |
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And in case you’re wondering, it is possible to run stock with somewhat higher hp and watermeth because cooler temperatures all around. But remember, that extra HP is coming increased cylinder pressures, so be wary…

04/27/2015 - 02:57 |
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