What do you guys think about the golf mkIII as first car ?

Hi guys, time for my first post on this wonderful site, what a better occasion other than asking things? haha
Anyway I have my license test on Thursday, and if it goes well i need to start looking for a first car !
I’ve always loved the look of the MK3 Golf and i found some pretty cheap well kept ones, is it a good car to start with ? Any advices whatsoever ?
Sadly no GTI version, here in italy you have a limit of 70 kW(95HP) or 55kW/t
What do you guys reckon it would be good as a first car? The only thing i need is 4-5 seats (only car in the family)
Thanks again errybody

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My first car was a MK1 Rabbit. Loved it. Also had an MK2 4 door Golf, which was excellent. One day I will have another VW, preferably an MK2 Jetta, just an all time favorite.

09/14/2015 - 17:49 |
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If you need a good car to easily for 5 people in get a b4 passat tdi 5 speed

09/14/2015 - 17:50 |
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I had an opportunity of driving mk3 Golf for a while. It was 1.9 TDI 90HP. I have to say it is really good car. Drives smoothly, quite fast, very good acceleration. Go for it

09/14/2015 - 18:06 |
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I have an MK3 and i Love It!! It is just 1.8 with 90hp but is really nice!!!

09/14/2015 - 18:51 |
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Marcel Pirs

I have 1.9D 64hp as my first car also. Very reliable and gas friendly. The only bad thing is rust and it’s slow, but for everyday use it’s enough.

09/14/2015 - 20:04 |
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